The Journal

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Marvin tapped his long finger nails against his thigh, sitting in his chair back at his house. He still hadn't gotten rid of any of his 'special items' but he wasn't worried about that at the moment. It wasn't as if Jackie had any plans on taking them right away now, it seemed.

'Seems he's fallen for the dark side, spending too much time with that parasite.' he growled to himself, 'I mean he may be an animal person but Jackie HAS to remember that Anti wouldn't think twice about killing other people!'

Marvin swallowed, 'Or does he even care?' he shook his head, 'No, no, he has to care about that, at least'

The magician grumbled to himself but soon was broken out of his thoughts when his phone started ringing.

Marvin took it out, floating it in front of his face, 'It's Henrik. I wonder what he wants'

He waved his hand in front of it to answer it, "Yes~?"

"Vhere the fook are you!? You promised to do a show today for zhe children's department again!"

Marvin felt as if he just stomped on his tail, "Dammit! I forgot! Sorry, Hen! I'll be right there! I have to talk to you, anyway!"

"Just hurry zhe fuck up! A child is crying!"

"Fuck" he mumbled to himself, waving his mask over his face, "I'm coming! I'm coming!"

In a flash, he was gone.

Chase watched through the camera. He was at work filming for a scene while his kids were at school.

Of course he'd probably have to work late again and call for either Jameson or Henrik to babysit.

He wouldn't dare leave his kids alone for a second after his run-in with Anti.

He had seemed mellow enough but that one meeting wasn't good enough to really tell. Anti was a trickster, after all. Just because he played nice with his kids most of the time, didn't mean Chase wanted him around them.

'Could be a fooking pervert for all I know' but Chase doubted it. His kids weren't stupid. They wouldn't be so comfortable around him otherwise.

Stuck in his daydream, Chase got to thinking about Jackie, too and how weird he was acting lately. The last time they spoke, they had gotten in a fight and it hadn't ended well. He really hoped Jackie was doing better, though.

The city needed him whether he knew it or not and without him, Anti was left to do whatever he pleased.

He already was doing so, it seemed and the thought was frightening.

'Maybe I should visit the others and see what they think?' he heard the director call 'cut' and Chase sighed, realizing they were going through their scheduled shots pretty quickly.

He could probably have time to stop by the clinic and talk to Henrik.

Chase stretched a little, cracking his back with a groan. Yeah, he needed to see the doc anyway.

Just then, suddenly everyone in the room ran off towards the window.

Chase's heart raced as they all gasped in horror and shared worried expressions.

"Isn't that Jackieboyman!? What's going on at city hall!?"

Chase bolted for the window to see what they were talking about only to see lightning and a dark sky clouding over city hall just a mile out.

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