Jackie Has Changed

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'Shit, shit, shit, shit!' Jackie paced around in his apartment. He couldn't believe he just stole something from Anti like that!

He had never stolen anything in his life!

Why NOW!?

'Is Anti's mannerisms getting in my head?'

He shook his head, 'It was for a cause' he tried to tell himself but argued with himself again, 'Dumbass, you don't even know what's in it!'

He wanted so bad to rip it open and read it but he was having second thoughts now.

'I should go back when he's gone again and put it back where I found it'

But what could possibly be IN it!?

Anti couldn't possibly be the type to write down his feelings, right!? No way! He was much too tough and stubborn to do such a thing!

Jackie bit his nails, having ripped off the Blood-streak mask, 'This whole thing is getting way out of control . . . . .'

Taking a deep breathe, Jackie tried to calm himself down. After all, he could still feel the draft from his last meltdown.

He looked at the journal he had discarded on the bed. It looked so fragile and unguarded.

So easy to open and go through.

The suspense was killing him.

He found himself reaching forward to touch it.


Jackie flinched at the sound of his phone ringing and rolled his eyes. He was grateful, though. He didn't want to be that kind of person to just look through someone else's private thoughts like that.

Seeing the caller ID, he thought he'd pass out, though.

He remembered giving Anti his cell phone number before raiding his apartment and his heart skipped. Would he just glitch through the phone!? Like this, he'd surely recognize him! He didn't want Anti to know where he lived!

Quickly, Jackie forced on his mask a little lopsided and answered the phone.

"Jaysus, asshole! Took you long enough to answer the fooking phone!"

Jackie grunted, "Caught me in the middle of something. What do you need?"

"I bet" Anti mumbled to himself and Jackie was a little worried until the glitched moved on, "Just wanted to tell ya I've decided we'll bait out the bastard hero tomorrow. You and me. We'll meet at the warehouse and go from there, got it?"

"Alright. Thought we were going to wait until I got something on him"

"I changed my mind."


". . . . . . You're not too chatty tonight, are ya?"

"I never am"

"Got a point there, I guess" Anti paused for a moment, " . . . Be prepared to cause trouble tomorrow. I'll see then if I really can trust you or not. Nine in the morning. Don't forget"

With that, Anti quickly hung up the phone, leaving Jackie pretty dumbfounded.


This wasn't supposed to work like that. Anti was changing the plans too quickly on him.

Did he know something?

. .. . . . .

No. Jackie shook his head and ripped off the mask again, running a hand through his hair, 'If he did, he'd attack no holds barred. I'm being too paranoid'

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