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Finally after dragging themselves away from the snack booth at the first theater, and a semi arguement about clearing out the snacks at the OTHER theater.

Once they got to the 2nd theater, they were back in game time mode. They were now against eachother, racing to get the next clue.

It was Woozi's idea to head to the bosses office so he was the first one to sprint off in that direction. And Hoshi was right on his heels.

But Woozi did get the box first. "Congratulations Lee Jihoon you got the clue. Now who do you suspect as the mafia?" The headmistress said as Woozi pulled out gun.

He shut his eyes as he pulled the trigger, firing right at Hoshi. (My Soonhoon heart, dead: Just like Hoshi now) Hoshi flinched as the bullet struck his chest as he fell to the ground.

"Lee Jihoon you suspected Kwon Soonyoung as the mafia, and killed him." The headmistress said.

"No need to remind me." Woozi grumbled under his breath as he shoved the gun back into the box as they waited.

"Kwon Soonyoung was a Citizen."

"Go figure, but I also wouldn't have been surprised if he was a mafia. He's very misleading." Mingyu said.

"At least we are closer to finding the mafia." Wooi said pulling out the clue card from the box.

"This still shouldn't be normal." Seungkwan sighed again stepping over Hoshi probably slowly dying body if he wasn't dead already.

"This one says when a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off... You sit still and trust the engineer." Woozi read.

"That must be the train station, it couldn't be the subway because those are always under ground." Dk said.

"I think the subway does go underground but the train station would make more sense." Mingyu added.

So that was their next stop, the train station.

'Woozi must have known Hoshi wasn't a mafia and just killed him to exterminate other civilians. But why?'

'He knows. Woozi must know I'm the mafia.'

'I need to get rid of him, fast.'

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