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Going from Bangpo bridge to Blacklight Park took nearly 20/30 minutes so it was all up to time to see who got to the clue first. Once they arrived at the border of the woods they all lept off their vehicles and sprinted it off.

It was like a race, Dk, Seungcheol, and Mingyu were neck and neck while running. But the thing was, Dk was the one to get to the box first.

"Congratulations Lee Seokmin you got the second clue." The headmistress said. "Now who do you suspect as a mafia?" She asked.

Dk sighed as he pulled out the gun and raised it. He's had his suspicions. He just hopes he was right about this one.

"You motherfu-" Were The8's last words before Dk shot him straight in the chest as he fell to the ground.

"Lee Seokmin you suspected Xu Minghao as the mafia. And killed him." The headmistress said.

"Xu Minghao was a citizen."

"Damn what a way to die." Seungcheol said stepping over The8's body to read the clue. "Atleast he got to say one last thing?" He said looking down at the boy with a tad of sympathy.

"This is never gonna get old, why do we have to do the killing, why can't we just fake the deaths?" Seungkwan said cringing at the dead boy's body by their feet.

"That's not how this game is played sadly." Mingyu said as he read the card from over Seungcheol and Dk's shoulder.

"There is a place no one can speak, but you can see your wildest tales come true." He said looking around at the others for if they had any idea what it was.

"Oh my god finally something I know." Wonwoo threw his hands up as he snatched the card from them and read over it once again.

"It the Starfeild Library! I go their with my aunt and uncle all the time!" He said running out of the forest. "Oh shoot follow him! I don't know where the library is!" Hoshi said chasing after him.

"Yo Seungkwan come on!" Vernon said grabbing the youngers hand and pulling him with him out of the forest. "God why did I answer the door that night." Seungkwan sighed getting in his car.

He stepped on the gas and followed after Woozi's bike. They actually had to drive on a highway to get there so it was quite fun. "Hey! Wanna race?" Mingyu yelled at Seungkwan.

"Game on!" Dino yelled speeding up on the empty highway. "I guess Dino's joing, your on!" Seungkwan said stepping on the gas.

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