6. Cemetery

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I thought I heard her wrong. "Where?" I ask her looking into her emerald eyes. Her bright eyes looked so dull today . "They are in the cemetery. I couldn't gather up strength to go there. So, I stayed back. Will you take me there. I want to go there now. I want to be with my family now. They need me" she says those words as they are piercing her heart. I try to ask who died but when I open my mouth only air comes out. "Aaron, please I want to go there." she asks with pleading eyes that are filled with tears. I just get up from the couch and take her hand but she is fumbling with her steps. So I put an arm around her shoulder and take her to the car. I open the car door for her and I stay near the door till she adjusts herself in the seat. I close the door and go to the driver's seat. I have a lot of questions to ask her and Aiden. I will ask them later. 

The drive to the cemetery is silent. I gave her time to calm down. If I ask her something she might breakdown again. I hate to see her cry but when she cries infront of me it's okay because I will right beside her to comfort her. She needs me as much as I need her. "When did you come back?" she asks me avoiding my gaze. "Afternoon" I say focusing on the road. "Did Damon come?" I look at her but she is avoiding my gaze. "Yes he came. He is at the hospital with mom and dad" why is she avoiding me like this I turn her face in my direction. Her eyes are swollen and red. "I'm here. I'll be with you no matter what. Just stay cool. If you want to tell me something just tell me." she meets my eyes but she turns away immediately. "Ask Damon to come to the cemetery" are her only words. I take my phone from my pocket and text him.

Aaron: Come to the cemetery 
Damon: Why??
Aaron: Don't know Mia asked me to tell you. Her family is already there. I am driving her!!!
Aaron: come ASAP!!!!
Damon: Yes BOSSSSSS ☻

I put my phone back "He's coming." I say to her. She is silent again. She doesn't want to speak. Fine. Let her stay calm. It is best for her now. We reach the cemetery. By the time we get down the car I see Damon's car parked there. Great. He comes to us and looks between Mia and me. He is as confused as me on Mia's state. "Why so fast?" I ask him. "You said Mia wants to see me" he says with a smirk on his face. "Chill dude I was just joking" and we both turn towards Mia only to find that she is not there. She already went in. We just follow her.

"What's wrong with her? And why are we here?" Damon asks with curiosity. "I have been trying to ask her the same thing for about an hour. But I have know answer." I tell him everything that has happened from the time I left the hospital to the time I met him at the cemetery. I am as clueless as him. We both stay silent till we stop right behind her. She is trying to comfort her mom and dad. Even she is crying. I kneel down by her and rub her back in a soothing way. She looks at me and looks the other way immediately and she cries more. I follow her gaze. I can't believe what's infront of my eyes. I look at Damon. Damon also has the same expression.

Aiden. He has more bruises that what Emily has. But they both are in a different scenario. She atleast has a beating heart. But Aiden he is in the coffin pale and lifeless. Is he dead? I stand up look around. I want to know if this a dream I am having or is this real. Damon is almost breaking down into tears. But he is controlling them. "What happened to him?" I ask someone standing beside me. "His girlfriend has been attacked by someone. He was trying to save her and they killed him" his words are like knifes stabbing me. He died trying to save Emily. He didn't deserve this neither does Emily. Damon also heard the other person said. He pulls me into a tight hug. I don't know when I started crying and so was Damon. We pull apart and kneel down beside Mia. She turns around and hugs us both. She is strong enough to control her emotions. Though they are coming out she is trying her best to stop them. She is being strong for her mother.

I call my parents to inform them about Aiden and they also come to the cemetery leaving some guards at the hospital. Mia's parents cry their hearts out after seeing my parents. That makes Mia's condition even worse. I just pull her into a hug and caress her back. After all the formalities are finished mom and dad went back to the hospital. Damon and I stay with Mia to make sure that she doesn't break down again. I drive her home while Damon is taking care of aunt Liz and uncle Ben. When I pulled in their driveway "I want to find the culprit Aaron. Please find him for me." she tells me and gets of the car.

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