42. Taking Over

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"There's no one recorded on the camera. And the weird thing is you have been speaking to yourself" he says. I drop the phone to the ground. Everything around me is blurry. Nothing is clear. I fall to the ground. All that I can hear is screaming. Everything happens so fast around me. I can hear faint cry of Ethan and Em screaming beside me. 

I try to open my eyes, but the bright light in the room is making it difficult for me. I try hard to open them. Suddenly the light is gone and I open my eyes. I am in an unknown place. With the room's furniture and the smell in the room, I know I am in the hospital. Em is sitting in the chair next to me. My mom is standing behind her and comforting her. When they see me, they smile.

"How are you feeling Mi" asks Em holding my hands. I just nod to her question. I have a very sore throat. "What happened?" I ask looking at my mom. She might have already known about the incident. Was I seriously imagining things. How can the person who broke into my house not be recorded on the cameras. How could he just erase him from the recordings.

"Nothing much sweetie. You have been stressing yourself too much. Just take some rest." she says patting my head. But I can't I keep looking at the ceiling. Stephen and Klaus come into the room. I am not in a mood to speak to Stephen. Klaus updates me about the meetings and the shares of the company. I should sign the ammunition agreement the next week. It is a big day for me.

"Is she okay?" Stephen asks mom. "Ofcourse she is. She is just tired" she says rubbing my forehead. I miss the days I was with her. I miss her.

"Stephen can you come out for a second" mom asks. He nods and makes a move. "Mom if you have anything to speak, do it here" I say and they both stop.

"Last time Mia was home, someone broke into the house, but I couldn't find anyone in the security cameras. I think something is wrong" she says looking at Stephen. He looks at me with a guilt filled look.

"Even last night mom" I say and she looks at me shocked. "Mom I need a word with him in private" I say to her. She closes the door behind her.

"Stef I am not mad. And I don't imagine things. Make that clear. And find the person. Fast" I say with a firm voice. He bows to me and leaves without making an eye contact.

The days pass on quickly. It's been a week and we couldn't find the intruder yet. He has got someone to help him in my house. I have been staying with my parent's from that day. They have been worried and I want to stay close to his and my families for some days.

I wanted to be fair. So I chose the voting. I asked the board of directors to vote for the position and all the heads. They gave the right to chose their boss. Klaus is super confident about me winning. And I hope so too. But they will have their reasons to say no to me and not to trust me.

The voting went smoothly. I recognize most of them. Tim, Rick and Noah stayed beside me the whole day. The winner has to deliver a speech. And I am contesting against The Demon what he calls himself. He has been selected by my opponents.

"Miss. Mia wins with a fair majority" declares Henry, Cara's dad. The room is filled with two emotions like before. The opponents eye me with hatred and anger.

While all the others congratulate me. We move to the hall. I stand behind the podium.

"Good evening all the gentlemen present in the room. And welcome to the new leaders. Thank you all for trusting me and supporting me.
Last week after the board meeting, we have decided to buy 75% of the ammunition supply. And we made a decision to enter the entertainment and the medical industries. We will take steps to sell medicines for low cost. And we are going to follow th former boss's steps and eradicate the women and child trafficking.
May we all become humans and stop being demons. We are going to use our power to make good and help good.
Thank you"
That was a simple one but I hope they would like my ideology. I wanted to take forward Aaron's vision.

The auditorium fills with cheers. I am happy that I could make this. Everyone comes forward to shake hands with me. And I gladly do that.

There are quite a few women here. And I am glad that I have female company in all these males. "I didn't think they would approve all this" says Maira one of the heads here. "They would do all the things I ask them until they get what they want and till the day they stay safe" I say clinking pur glasses.

Evelyn drives me home. I am so drunk and feeling a bit dizzy. I go to his room. I missed a few stairs while coming up, but I am okay. The pain in my heart is more than all these physical pains.

"See I did everything you asked and everything you didn't ask. I kept my word. But you didn't. You broke the promise you made to me. You left me alone with so much responsibility to hold.  And everyone are missing you" I say standing infront of his picture.

"I love you D. Comeback. Comeback man" my voice is lousy and dragging.

I feel him everywhere in the room. Everywhere I go. Every day I wake up to the thought of seeing him. He is always on my mind. And he is becoming my nightmares now. The nightmare I would love to have, but everytime he comes he ends up dying.

I will wait. I will wait.

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