New Term New Teachers

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It's been over a week since I've updated, so I prepared an especially long chapter for you guys. Hope you all enjoy! 😊


~Spinner's End - August 31st - Wednesday Evening~

Your POV:

It has been roughly a month since the date Severus took me on. I spent most of that time reading or learning new things about the Dark Arts, as requested by the Dark Lord himself. We attended roughly 2-3 meetings a week, which in my opinion was too often.

It just so happens that today was the last meeting we would be attending before Severus returned to Hogwarts. This particular meeting consisted of topics I found a bit boring, but I had to pay attention none the less. At the end of the meeting, I was expecting to just be able to leave with Severus, but before we could do so much as push our chair out, we were stopped by Lord Voldemort.

"(Y/N), Severus. Stay behind. I'd like to check in on your progress." The Dark Lord demanded.

We both remained in our seats, knowing this was most likely another routine check on my lessons.

"What new spells have you learned this week (Y/N)?" Lord Voldemort asked while gesturing towards me with his hand.

"Well, instead of learning about a spell, Severus taught me how to brew Veritaserum." I informed the Dark Lord.

"Ah yes. Veritaserum. A highly powerful potion. It was smart of you to teach (Y/N) about this potion Severus." The Dark Lord said.

Severus tilted his head forward which seemed to resemble a slight bow.

"But there are things other than lessons I'd like to discuss with the two of you." Lord Voldemort told us.

"And what might that be My Lord?" Severus inquired.

"I'm sure you've already talked to (Y/N) about the possibility of raising a child, yes?" He asked the two of us.

I didn't expect the Dark Lord to ask us this so casually, so my face was beginning to turn visibly red.

"Yes, Severus has already brought that up with me." I responded as best I could without sounding embarrassed.

"Good good... I assume you've agreed then, is that correct?" He looked between the two of us, looking for a response.

We responded on top of one another, both giving roughly the same answer, which was yes.

"Excellent.. You are both free to leave." Lord Voldemort waved his hand dismissively.

We apparated home as soon as we had stood up from our seats. My face was still displaying a light shade of pink, which Severus definitely would have noticed by now.

"You're flustered." He stated, opening his wardrobe in the process.

"No shit." I responded while folding my arms together.

Severus froze at my response for a moment before sighing and continuing to pull various clothes off of hangers. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his chest, pressing the side of my face into his back while sighing.

"I'm going to miss you when you're at Hogwarts." I pouted at the thought.

Severus hummed in response before continuing to rummage through the wardrobe.

"Ah, I remembered something of great importance. Let me finish putting these clothes in my suitcase, then I'll tell you what it is I remembered." Severus told me.

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