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~Living Quarters - December 20th - Tuesday Morning~

Your POV:

I woke up to the faint sound of sizzling from outside of the bedroom. I then took in a scent that smelled familiar. Putting two and two together, I realized that Severus was probably preparing breakfast.

Remembering last night, I noticed my lack of clothes, blushed at the memory, and got up to change into something comfortable for the day. Then I popped my head into Elora's little makeshift nursery to see if she was still sleeping.

Of course, she was wide awake and was currently biting on a blanket of hers. I don't know why she does this, but she seems to like it, so it doesn't bother me.

As I picked her up and out of the crib, I noticed her hair started to grow a little. It was hard to make out, but it seemed as though her hair was the same color as Severus'. I smiled at this and walked out into the main living area while holding Elora on my hip.

Severus seemed to have noticed that I was behind him, because he spoke without turning around towards me,

"Sleep well?"

"After last night? You bet." I remembered some of the moments as I responded.

Severus whipped his head around towards me, not expecting such a response.

I chuckled at this and sat down at the counter while putting Elora in her high chair.

Severus composed himself and turned back around with two plates in his hands. Seeing the food reminded me of something.

"I should probably feed Elora. Do you know where her bottle is, Sev?" I asked while looking around him at the counter.

"I fed her before you woke up." Severus replied while sliding one of the plates in front of me.

"Oh. Well thank you for doing that." I smiled and picked up my fork which was placed beside the plate.

Once we were nearly finished eating, Elora gazed at my scrambled eggs and reached for them. I contemplated introducing her to solid foods already and ended up placing a small bit of egg on the tray of her seat to see what she'd do with it.

"Isn't it a bit early for that?" Severus asked me.

"No, I read about this and found out that 4 month olds can sometimes try solids already. As long as she's interested that is." I replied while watching Elora's next move.

She looked at the egg and grabbed it, somewhat squishing it in the process. But eventually, she brought it to her mouth and ate it. Elora giggled and slapped her hands on the tray happily. I smiled at this and turned towards Severus,

"I guess that's a good sign."

He nodded in response and then stood up to bring our dishes to the sink.


I didn't have much planned other than popping into the Potion's Classroom to see what needed to be done before class resumed.

Severus had been reading with Elora in his lap on the sofa while I was exiting our Quarters.

I had only been in the Classroom for about 5 minutes organizing some of the ingredients on a shelf when I heard someone speak from behind me,

"Hello, (Y/N). Been a while since you last showed your face in Malfoy Manor. Now why's that?"

My calm and collected mood turned sour instantly as I spun around to face the person,

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