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~Dorm Room - Friday Morning - January 24~

Your POV:

Things have been rather boring recently. After celebrating Severus' birthday, nothing really happened except going to classes and playing in Quidditch matches. I've also been feeling more tired recently. I've slept less because I'm finally taking the time to think about the whole Death Eater thing regarding my father. As well as with Severus. I really wish he didn't have to go through all that.

I decided I would stay behind after class today in order to ask Severus some questions I had regarding Death Eaters in order to find out what it is they really do. All I knew about them currently is that they are bad people who stand for pure blood supremacy.

-Potions Classroom ~ After Class-

"Professor Snape? I have a question about the homework we've been assigned." I asked Severus as students were filing out of the classroom.

"What is it Ms. (Y/L/N)?" He responded while placing some jars on a shelf in the back corner of the room.

Once the last person had left, I asked,

"Could you possibly tell me more about Death Eaters?"

Severus froze with the last jar in his left hand and turned his head towards me. He sighed and put the jar away before walking back over to his desk.

"What is it you wish to know?" He replied.

"I want to get a basic understanding of what Death Eaters are. I guess, I'm just curious because my Father is one." I said while frowning at the thought of my Father.

Severus nodded briefly and leaned against his desk while crossing his arms. He then began explaining,

"Death Eaters are blatantly terrible people. They seek to purify the wizarding world by eliminating any muggle-born and occasionally half-blood witches and wizards. As you already know, they are lead by Lord Voldemort. Regarding your Father, he is a Death Eater for the same reason any other witch or wizard is."

I leant against the desk that stood closest to Severus' desk and sighed,

"Why my Father? I can't believe it. He was such a great Father for me growing up.."

I started to get teary eyed the more I thought about it. The fact that I have to live the rest of my life knowing how despicable he truly is pained me. With tears threatening to fall down my face, I continued,

"What am I supposed to do? I can't bear to go home for the Summer and look at my mother with a smile when I know how truly horrible my Father is."

At this point I wasn't even trying to keep my tears in. Severus gave me a look of sympathy before pulling me into a comforting hug. I calmed down relatively quick and pulled away from the hug a minute later.

"Thanks for that." I told him as I wiped the remaining tears off my face.

"Of course." Severus responded.

"I have one more question." I spoke up as I remember something I'd forgotten to ask.

"And what might that be?" Severus inquired.

"Right before you apparated us to that Death Eater meeting, why did you double over in pain?" I asked him.

Severus seemed hesitant to answer and glanced down at his arm. I looked at it and then back at his face. He sighed before responding,

"It might be easier to explain if I were to show you why."

Before I could ask what he meant, he began to roll up his right sleeve. On his forearm, I saw what looked to be a tattoo of a snake coming out of the mouth of a skull. The thing that made it unsettling to look at was that fact that it moved.

"This mark is what Lord Voldemort uses to summon Death Eaters. The mark becomes more painful the longer you resist the call." Severus explained.

I nodded in response to his explanation and stepped forward to take a closer look at it.

"Does it hurt when you touch it or only when you get summoned?" I asked.

"It only hurts when I am summoned." He replied.

I decided to run a finger over the mark. It moved under my finger, which was a bit unsettling. Severus seemed to tense up because of this.

"Sorry." I said as I retracted my hand.

Severus rolled down his sleeve again and replied,

"No need to apologize."

There was a bit of an awkward silence until Severus spoke up,

"Did I answer all your questions?"

"Yeah, I don't have any other questions at the moment. I'll see you later Severus." I told him.

"Goodbye (Y/N)." Severus replied before I left the classroom.

-Malfoy Manor ~ Friday Evening-

Severus' POV:

A couple hours after my conversation with (Y/N), I was summoned for yet another meeting. I took my seat at the table and turned my head in the direction of Lord Voldemort who was about to begin speaking,

"As this is not a scheduled meeting, you must be wondering why I have summoned all of you here today."

There was a lengthy pause before Lord Voldemort resumed his speech,

"We have a new member joining us today. I believe he will be an important asset to us all. Lucius, retrieve the boy."

Everyone seated at the table turned to the door Lucius Malfoy was currently standing in front of, waiting in anticipation to find out who this new member shall be. The doors opened. Lord Voldemort was heard introducing the boy,

"Tyler, my boy! Welcome.."

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