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~Spinner's End - December 18th - Sunday Afternoon~

Your POV:

It has been a few months since Severus returned to Hogwarts for his teaching duties, and sadly, he wasn't able to visit when he said he'd come. He was kept busy with quite a few different things at the time, but he made sure to write letters for Benny to pick up and bring to me. Each one I received made me happy for the remainder of that day.

Now on the topic of visiting, I had secretly planned to go to Hogwarts the day before Christmas break. And today happens to be that day.

I was currently packing up the last remaining things Elora and I needed for our trip to Hogwarts. While I was doing so, Elora was laying on the bed with a couple blankets that she liked to roll back and forth on.

As soon as we were ready, I picked her up and held her on my hip so that I could grab our luggage. I was quite excited to see Severus' reaction once he realizes that were at Hogwarts.

I made my way down the stairs with Elora and walked towards the fireplace so that we could use the Floo system into Professor Dumbledore's Office. After throwing the floo powder into the flames, I stepped in with Elora, who seemed quite intrigued by the green flames. I spoke our destination and within a few seconds, we were in the office.

"Ah (Y/N), I was wondering when you'd show." I heard the calming voice of Professor Dumbledore as I stepped out of the fireplace with Elora.

"It's good to see you Professor." I responded with a smile.

Professor Dumbledore smiled back and spoke,

"(Y/N), you don't have to address me in that way anymore. You can simply call me Albus, although, it is up to you if you wish to continue calling me Professor."

"Oh, alright. Sorry, I guess I'm just used to saying Professor still." I chuckled.

The silence was broken by one of Elora's little squeals.

"And this must be Elora. She's an energetic one isn't she?" Albus asked me as he walked over.

"Yes, she makes up for almost no crying with a whole bunch of energy and laughter." I explained with an exasperated sigh.

"Would you like to hold her?" I offered after Elora began reaching for Albus.

"Of course. She seems to want it that way anyways." He replied with a smile.

As I expected, the first thing Elora focused on was Professor Dumbledore's beard. Specifically, the beads hanging from it.

I heard the door to the office open and turned my head toward the sound. In walked Professor McGonagall. A giddy expression took over her face once she set eyes on Elora,

"Oh goodness! You're already here? I thought you'd be arriving much later?"

"We're here early to surprise Severus actually." I explained to her as she walked over to give me a hug.

Elora, now having seen Professor McGonagall, started reaching for her. Albus carefully handed her over to Professor McGonagall and turned back towards me,

"How long are you visiting for, (Y/N)? At least for the winter break I presume?"

"I'm not quite sure yet to be honest. I was hoping to stay a while and possibly help teach again." I responded.

Professor McGonagall seemed quite happy about my response,

"Splendid! I could even watch over Elora from time to time if you'd like (Y/N)."

•°From Peer to Professor°• Severus Snape x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now