Truth Be Told

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Your POV:

I was woken up by the sound of someone sobbing quietly. I opened my eyes and turned to look at Severus who was holding his wand in front of himself. His eyes were stained with tears and his facial expression gave me the impression that he was suffering. Not a moment later he began to speak words I never thought I'd hear from him.

"Avada Ked-"

My eyes widened at what he was about to do. In this moment of shear panic, I yelled out for him to stop and smacked his wand out of his hand, seconds before it shot a beam of green light at the wall. I looked at the hole that the dangerous spell had created and held my hands over my mouth. I realized just how close of a call this had been and began sobbing at the thought of Severus killing himself.

Severus' POV:

Behind closed eyes, I could feel a blinding light shoot off to my right. I opened them, realizing I had been stopped from doing what I had planned to do. (Y/N) sat there, her hands covering her mouth as she began to sob. I desperately pulled her into my arms and felt tears start to fall from my own eyes. They were silent tears. Tears of both relief and sadness.

(Y/N) looked up into my eyes. Seeing her in this state broke me.

'I had caused this.' I thought.

"What happened Severus?" She asked her question with a sound that resembled a whimper.

I remembered everything that had happened and was confused by the fact that (Y/N) was clearly not dead.

"I.. Voldemort had.. I thought you were dead!" I stuttered out.

"What do you mean dead!? I woke up and saw you pointing your wand at yourself, ready to say the killing curse!" She exclaimed with puffy eyes.

It all made sense now. I had been asleep all this time. I had nearly killed myself over a hyper-realistic nightmare.

"It was all a facade.. a mere nightmare.." I whispered to myself, just loud enough to the point where (Y/N) could hear me.

"Severus.. Tell me what happened."

~After the explanation~

"So.. you're saying Voldemort killed me because he found out about us through Tyler?" (Y/N) questioned me.

I nodded and sighed, trying to make sense of this outlier of a nightmare.

"What do you think this could mean?" She asked me.

"I have no idea.."

~Malfoy Manor - July 21st - Tuesday Evening~

I had been summoned to the Manor after the sun had set. I walked into our common meeting room only to realize that no one else was present. (Y/N) hadn't been called either, which made the entire situation much stranger. The Dark Lord was seated at the end of the table.

"My Lord? You called?" I addressed my summoning from the doorway.

"Ah Severus.. sleep well?" The Dark Lord asked with a knowing smirk.

"You know?" I asked, feeling wary about this situation.

"Of course I do Severus. I am the one who placed that nightmare into your head!" He said with a chuckle that sounded too sincere to be normal.

"And what would be the purpose of putting me through that monstrosity? For me to kill myself?" "No! To see whether the girl has become a weakness to you!" Lord Voldemort interrupted, his voice coming across as both a whisper and a yell.

•°From Peer to Professor°• Severus Snape x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now