New Arrangements

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Not a minute later, the sound of apparition was heard coming from outside our front door which had been left ajar by my father. With (B/N) still clinging to me out of fear, I peeked out the doorway carefully, my mother right behind me.

There, I saw Severus walking somewhat quickly towards the house. My mother watched from the door as I stepped forward to meet Severus halfway.

"Severus, what just happened?" I asked him with a shocked expression, knowing he must've heard of it somehow.

(B/N) recognized the name and lifted his head. Upon turning to see Severus, he wordlessly reached towards him for comfort.

Severus, though still fixated on the topic at hand, did (B/N) the courtesy of holding him since he'd been startled by the loud sounds from before.

"That is what I've come to talk to you about." He replied in calm, yet serious tone.

We made our way inside and began talking about what had just happened as soon as my mother had put (B/N) in his room to play. (B/N) didn't want to be alone however, so it took a little while for her to be able to comfort him and come back down into the living room.

"Severus, could you please explain to me what just happened here?" My mother asked after sitting down on a chair in the kitchen.

She seemed understandably stressed.

"(F/N) as you now know is a Death Eater. He was planning to follow through with an attack on a group of muggle-born wizards and witches this evening. Luckily, the Ministry was able to intercept before a disaster could take place." Severus explained calmly.

"What is going to happen to (F/N)?" My mother asked him.

"He is being taken to Azkaban as we speak." Severus replied.

My mother held her hand up to her mouth and seemed as though she were about to cry.

"There is one more thing I must inform you about before I take my leave Ms. (Y/L/N)." Severus tells my mother.

"And what is that?" She replied sadly.

"(F/N) ended up bringing (Y/N) into this mess by having her forcibly turned." Severus explained to my mother.

"(Y/N)? Please don't tell me you have that.. mark on your arm.." My mother asked me fearfully.

Imagining her sadness upon seeing the mark on my arm made tears form in my eyes. I looked down to hide my face in shame.

She too began to cry and came over to hug me, knowing it wasn't my fault.

"Ms. (L/N), I must also inform you that (Y/N) will have to be housed elsewhere for the time being. I need to be able to teach her various defensive and offensive spells that will aid her in her forced position as a 'Death Eater'." Severus explained to my mother who was now looking at him again.

Though it took her a moment to accept this fact, she knew it was probably the best bet for my safety.

"I want (Y/N) to be safe. And if that means she has to live somewhere else for a while, I am fine with that." My mother replied, somewhat calming down.

"Wait what? Are you serious Severus? I can't just leave my mother and brother alone." I responded, protesting the plan.

"We can have Auror's stop by occasionally to make sure they are safe (Y/N). But it is in your best interest to not stay here at the current time." Severus told me.

I sighed and looked down briefly.

"Fine. I'll do it."

"Why don't you go pack a bag (Y/N)? You'll probably need a couple things from your room." My mother suggested as she got up from her seat.

•°From Peer to Professor°• Severus Snape x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora