Pleasant Evening

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~Spinner's End - July 28th - Tuesday Afternoon~

Severus' POV:

It had been no more than a week since the chaos that had ensued. And although we had promised to talk about it all in the morning, that conversation never took place. Neither of us brought anything up. And although it might seem as though everything had gone back to normal, I could sense a difference in the way we interacted. There was always a bit of awkwardness present in small talk or when I taught (Y/N) about a new incantation or potion.

It was beginning to bother me. I wanted things to be normal once more. Normal in the sense that we could feel comfortable talking about anything. No matter the subject. As I was reading the newspaper, I had an epiphany. Something had come to mind that I believed to be the key to restoring our bond. I immediately got to work on this idea.

Your POV:

Severus and I were currently reading, being that we had already finished today's lesson on the Dark Arts and what not. I dreaded the tension that was so painstakingly obvious whenever we talked. It felt as though we weren't even in a relationship. And that hurt. I wanted to talk about what had happened a week ago, but I wasn't sure if Severus was ready to.

After some time, Severus told me he had an errand to run in Diagon Alley. I asked if I could go with him, but he insisted he go alone.

Did he lie when he said he wasn't shocked about what I had said? Maybe I was too quick. How stupid of me to tell him I wouldn't be opposed to having a child!

I sighed and decided to go take a nap upstairs. Today's Dark Arts lesson really tired me out.

~Spinner's End - Evening~

"(Y/N)?" I heard my name being called in a whisper.

"(Y/N)." I heard it again, just louder this time.

"(Y/N), wake up." I was shaken this time to the point where I opened my eyes to see what the commotion was about.

I saw Severus standing there, looking  a little rushed.

"What's wrong Sev?" I asked drowsily.

"You need to get dressed. I forgot to mention earlier that we have plans to meet with Lucius and Narcissa." Severus explained while pulling me out of the bed.

I groaned and slumped over to the wardrobe.

"Do I have to wear something fancy again?" I asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Semi-formal." Severus told me before leaving the room again.

"Well, at least I don't have to wear a dress this time." I half smiled.

I ended up picking out an outfit that consisted of dark grey dress pants, a long sleeved black button up, and some black shoes. I walked downstairs to grab my jacket and saw Severus waiting for me at the door.

"So is this at the Manor or someplace else?" I inquired as we stepped outside into the chilly night.

"New location. I might as well just apparate us both there." Severus replied and stuck his hand out.

I took it and we were swiftly brought to our destination. I looked around and noticed we weren't anywhere familiar. All the stores I could make out were clearly muggle-owned. After looking around for a short while, Severus ushered me down the street.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Here." He told me while pointing at a building. It seemed cozy inside and I could clearly tell it was a restaurant.

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