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~Spinner's End - July 21st - Tuesday Morning~

Severus' POV:

I was awoken to the sound of floorboards creaking. I kept my eyes closed, thinking (Y/N) must have gotten up to use the restroom again. But to my surprise, I felt movement next to me. I sat up and saw (Y/N) sleeping soundly next to me.

'But then who was..'

I shot my head in the direction I had heard the creaking noise come from and saw what had made said noise. The Dark Lord stood at the foot of the bed, grinning evilly.

"Severus.. What have we here?" Lord Voldemort asked me as (Y/N) began to stir.

(Y/N) sat up tiredly and saw my fear stricken expression.

"Severus.. why are you awa- AH! What are you doing here!?" (Y/N) exclaimed.

I pulled her off the bed with me and held my arms around her in a protective manner.

"Why have you come here?" I demanded.

"Well Severus.. we've heard quite a bit about the two of you and the fondness you share for one another. Would you like to guess who might have given me this information?" The Dark Lord asked of me.

"I have no intel of the sort." I replied stiffly.

"Well I know who does. (Y/N). Who do you think could posses information of this caliber, hm?" Lord Voldemort asked her.

I felt (Y/N) tense up behind me and whisper profanities. She regained her composure and stepped to my side, which I do not believe was a smart choice.

"Well?" Lord Voldemort asked impatiently.

"It was Tyler.. wasn't it?" She asked with a tone that could be interpreted as both angry or sad.

"Precisely! It's quite amusing actually.. I had intended for him to keep a close eye on you and your actions. To make sure you weren't aiding Dumbledore or the Ministry. But my have we found out more than we could have imagined.." The Dark Lord cackled after finishing his sentence.

Lord Voldemort's facial expression merged from a maniacal one to one that I found illegible.

It was then that everything went terribly wrong.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A bright flash of green shot in my direction. This was it. My life has come to an end. Except.. I was still very much alive.

The sudden realization hit. I turned to my side and saw (Y/N)'s lifeless body splayed on the floor.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I fell to my knees.

"No.. no.. this can't.. this can't be.." I struggled to form sentences as my vision became blurry.

I held (Y/N) close to me. Feeling the warmth leave her lifeless form.

"I would gladly give you the same fate, but you are my spy on the inside, and it would be reckless to expend a useful asset such as yourself. I hope you've learned that having attachments.. comes at a price. The price of a life.."

Just like that, the room was empty. The Dark Lord had left me to mourn over this loss. I could hold tears back no longer. It was as if this moment had unlocked all of my suppressed emotions and let them come spewing out all at once. I yelled in agony. I had hoped never to feel this pain again, and yet it welcomes itself back into my life, like an old friend..

After what felt like hours of delving in my pain and suffering, I fell silent. The pain had ceased, as did the suffering. All that was left was a feeling of numbness. I gazed upon
(Y/N)'s lifeless as I retrieved my wand from to bedside table. I placed her on the bed and lay down next to her, my hand clasped gently upon hers. I raised my wand and pointed it at myself, closing my eyes in the process.

"Avada Ked-"


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