Second Task

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~Second Task Arena - December 29th - Sunday Afternoon~

Your POV:

I was pacing inside the tent, hearing loud cheers outside. I along with the other Champions were waiting to pick our dragons. Yes, I was right about the next task having something to do with dragons. Apparently we were going to battle a dragon and attempt to retrieve a dragon egg from the center of the arena. Crazy, I know..

All of a sudden, Professor Dumbledore and the Headmaster and Headmistress of the other two schools entered. In front of them, was a man holding a black velvet bag, which seemed to be moving. They walked up to the three of us and explained that we would be blindly picking the dragon we were going to be facing in the arena. The unfamiliar man introduced himself as Barty Crouch. The Durmstrang Champion was first to pick a dragon. He pulled out a Swedish Short-snout. The Beauxbatons Champion went next and picked out a Welsh Green. There were two more dragons in the bag. Either I would get a Chinese Fire-ball or a Hungarian Horn-tail. I was really hoping for the Fire-ball right now. I inhaled sharply before picking my dragon. I saw one glimpse of my dragon before frowning. It was a Hungarian Horn-tail. Lucky me..

The other two Champions struggled a little during their attempt in obtaining the egg, but they both succeeded in the end. My heart began racing once my name was announced, letting me know to enter the arena. I entered through a cave-looking opening into the rocky arena. I heard the dragon, causing me to grip tighter onto my wand. Dragon snarls were overlapped with the constant cheering of people in the stands. I was excited and terrified at the same time. Once I was visible to the crowd, the cheers elevated. I looked around and spotted  Lucas. He was cheering the loudest. Of course. I continued looking around and spotted Severus in the Professor's section. Though he didn't show it, I could tell he was scared for my life. I snapped out of my daze once I heard the terribly loud screech of the Hungarian Horn-tail that was around the corner. I took a deep breath in and ran out from behind the rock I was hiding behind and dove for another, fire spewing from the dragons mouth once it spotted me. Screams were heard from the crowd as I got up and drew my wand in front of me. The egg was halfway across the arena, so I had to think quick on how I could get there. An idea popped into my mind as I got ready to run to the next rock. Once I was visible to the dragon, it spewed fire, but not before I could yell my spell,


A reasonably sized ice wall appeared between me and the dragon. It broke once I was behind the next rock. I caught my breath, until I heard a swishing sound. I dove away from the rock, milliseconds before it was blown to bits. I knew enough about Hungarian Horn-tails to know that they often use their tails to attack or destroy things. I scrambled to my feet and climbed up a steeper part of the rocky arena, dodging the Hungarian Horn-tails, well, tail. At the top, I swiftly turned around to see the Hungarian Horn-tail hovering in front of me. I shot a spell before it could spew anymore fire.

"Glacius Maximus!"

The ice covered the Horn-tails snout, tail, and wings, causing it to fall to the ground. I had a little bit of time before the ice would break. I dashed in the direction of the egg and climbed up a couple more rocks. Cheers got louder and louder as I got closer and closer to the egg. The sudden screams let me know I wouldn't make it to the egg before the dragon got to me, so I turned around to face it. Instead of attacking me directly, it caught me off guard by smashing a rock with it's tail. I wasn't swift enough to dodge or deflect the rocks coming at me, so I was knocked over the edge of the elevated rocks. I hit the floor and rolled under a ledge somewhere out of sight of the onlookers, making them think I was dead or something. Many cries and screams were heard. I struggled to get up, but managed to crawl out from under the ledge. I got to my feet and began climbing back up the rocks, out of sight of the dragon. Unfortunately, the sudden cheers of the audience caused the dragon to look in my direction. Thanks a lot people..

The dragon darted towards me and smashed the rocks next to me. I cast a deflection charm to keep the tail from hitting me whilst I kept climbing,


I made it to the top again and ran towards the egg. I was able to grab it before the dragon got to me. People cheered, suddenly forgetting there was a dragon after me. But I didn't forget, because I kept running after grabbing it and slid down the side of the rocky slope, just in time to not get roasted by the flames spewing from the dragons mouth. People suddenly noticed my predicament and watched worriedly. I tried running back towards the small opening through which I had entered the arena and almost made it back. I tripped on some of the loose rocks scattered around me, causing my wand and the egg to skid across the floor away from me. I could hear the announcer yell for someone to restrain the dragon and the cries of people watching. The only thing I could focus on was the dragon's shrill screech before it lunged at me. I froze, unable to move. I awaited my fate, thinking I would die right then and there. But death never came. I saw chains form around the dragons neck as it fell to the floor. It was passed out, as if it had been put to sleep. I was still frozen while laying on the floor, only my elbows propping me up. I heard people run up behind me from the arena entrance, but I didn't move. I just kept staring at the sleeping dragon that was inches away from me. I felt someone link an arm under mine to pull me up off the ground. I finally snapped out of it and began crying all of a sudden. I was in shock. The sounds of people cheering faded as I was brought back into the tent. After Madam Pomfrey did a check up to make sure I wasn't injured badly, the Beauxbatons Champion walked up to me and handed me my wand and the egg I had retrieved. I thanked her and tried to dry my teary eyes. I stared at the egg in a closed off section of the tent until I heard someone enter the area.

Severus' POV:

As soon as the dragon had been restrained, I stood up and rushed out of the stands. I made my way towards the tents, avoiding the Headmasters and Headmistress holding a conversation in front of the tent. I entered from the side into the empty tent. Where could she be? I heard a sniff and walked in that direction. Pulling a curtain back, I was met with a bewildered looking (Y/N). She stood as I rushed over and encased her in a protective embrace. She began crying into my shoulder and held onto me for dear life. We stood there for nearly 5 minutes, not speaking a word. Once she had calmed down, I pulled her chin up to have her look at me. She looked at me intensely before lunging forward and pulling me into a hasty kiss. It was completely different from any previous one. Once she moved back, I wiped the last few tears from her eyes.

"I thought I was going to die Severus.." She nearly triggered another cycle of tears, but I consoled her, hoping it might ease her worries.

"You won't. Not as long as I'm around." I assured her.

Unable to enjoy one anothers company completely, we were interrupted by approaching footsteps. I left through the side of the tent where there was an opening and heard the familiar voice of Albus Dumbledore before walking away from the tents and towards Hogwarts.

Your POV:

Are you ready to head back to Hogwarts with the others, Ms. (Y/L/N)?" I heard the voice of Professor Dumbledore snap me out of a love-filled daze.

"O-Oh. Yes! I-I'm ready.." I stuttered out.

I followed him out of the tent to where the other Champions were waiting. I remembered to grab the egg and my wand before making my way back to Hogwarts with the others.

-Common Room-

As I entered the Common Room, cheers erupted from inside. I remembered those same cheers from when I completed the first task. I smiled as I was being high-fived every now and then. People clapped me on the back a couple times as well, causing me to almost drop the egg I was carrying. I spotted Lucas in the crowd and hugged him. He told me how worried he was for me and asked me a bunch of questions pertaining to the second task. I answered them and hung around in the Common Room for a little while until I got tired. I told Lucas that I was getting sleepy, so I made my way up to my dorm room. Once I got in bed, I set the egg in front of myself. I noticed the top of it could twist around a little, almost like a latch of some sort, and decided to twist it. Once I twisted the latch, the egg unfolded and a fog like substance seeped out of it. I wafted the fog out of the way somewhat only to see a miniature model of a maze appear. The maze appeared to be shifting as if the hedges merged or separated at random intervals. In the center of the maze was a glowing object. It looked like a crystal chalice. I recognized it to be the Tri-Wizard Cup. The egg stayed open for a little longer, but then it closed shut. I processed what I had just seen and then set the egg on my night stand. How strange.

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