Chapter 81: You're In My Veins But I Have To Let Go

Start from the beginning

In that moment, I didn't care about what he said to me. Nothing would've changed my mind about us being together, even if it was just platonic at the time.

I had this silly idea that the boy with a hard exterior was just hiding behind the curtain, afraid to let people in. And boy was I right.

"Sure, that might be true. But it doesn't change the fact that his death wasn't your fault. You didn't pull the trigger. You didn't have the gun in your hand. You shouldn't be paying the price for what Julian did to your family."

"Well, Nick's dead. Julian's dead. So, all there's left is me. Because I'm the only person left to blame. It makes sense."

"So what if it makes sense. It doesn't make it right." I rubbed my hand on his shoulder. "Especially with Nick's funeral tomorrow."

"Yeah..." He was quiet for a second. "It's not that I don't want to go. It's just that my Dad is going to be there and probably won't even want to speak to me."

I put my head on his shoulder lovingly. "He's just lashing out. You used to do it when you were angry. Try and understand how he feels, Andrew. He just lost his son."

"Who's side are you on?"

I picked up my head, while simultaneously rolling my eyes. "I'm on no one's side. There shouldn't even be sides. We should be on one side: Nick's side."

He sighed heavily. "Tomorrow's going to suck."

"It's going to be sad, for sure. But you know what? Losing Nick and my Mom made me appreciate everything I have with me right now because tomorrow is never promised, you know? You never know what the future holds. Maybe we should learn to hold those we love closer than we were before."

"You're right." He said, pulling me closer. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"You can't one-up me." Andrew complained.

"I just did."

"Yeah? Well, I'm in love with you."

"I'm in love with you more." I fought back.

"Fuck." He cursed, knowing I won.

I smiled to myself, pressing a tender kiss to his cheek. When I decided I wanted more, I used my pointer finger to pivot his head so he was facing me. Instantly, I crushed my lips into his. When I pulled back, he came in for more.

My heart swelled.

He makes me so completely happy. And I never want this feeling to leave me, as long as I live.

When we pulled apart, we jerked our heads as puking sounds were being made in the kitchen where Mason and Lina were currently. They must've watched us, and decided to be complete idiots and ruin our moment.

"I was just about to come in there, but maybe I won't if you guys are too busy making babies." Mason yelled from the kitchen.

I blushed from having that intimate thought. Andrew just chuckled, not letting Mason's words affect him.

Lina comes over and sits on the couch, switching the channel to something she wanted to watch. When Mason sees that the coast is clear, he follows her and sits next to Andrew.

"Hey, man. I'm so sorry to hear about Nick. He was a good dude, even if I didn't know him that well."

"Thanks, Mason. It means a lot." Andrew and Mason bro-hugged, and Lina and I exchanged looks of excitement.

"I'm so glad you guys are finally becoming friends." I held onto Andrew tightly in excitement.

"Yeah, how exactly did this whole thing come about?" Lina asked while chomping on her noodles.

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