Chapter 66: Visit To The Hospital

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I winced in pain, as I was dropped to the ground in a hurry. My teammates, friends, classmates, teachers, and other students scattered around the premises trying to find an exit.

We weren't sure if anyone got shot at all, we heard the noise and everyone panicked. I fell to the ground, as I tried getting up but kept being pushed from people running past me. Everyone was screaming, yelling, some were crying hysterically.

It was pure mass hysteria.

"Lia!" I heard a voice.

"ANDREW? WHERE ARE YOU?" I looked around, the person whose name I called was no where to be found.

Eli approached me with a panicked look on his face, and pulled me to my feet.

"Are you okay?" He scanned my body for marks. "Lia, why are you bleeding?"

I looked down at my shoulder, and noticed a spot with dark red stains on it. "It must've been from when I fell down. Everyone just started to panic, and they dropped me."

Eli creates some sort of shield around me, with his body. It was like he had a feeling what or who could've caused this, but he didn't want to confirm it yet until there's more information.

"Eli, who could've done this? Who brings a gun to a softball game?"

"Someone with bad intentions." He said with high alert. He scanned the softball field as best as he could.

Who was the one who screamed? There was a gunshot, and a millisecond later a scream followed suit.

Someone was most definitely shot. We just need to find out who and bring them to the hospital.

"Come on." He said, trying to grab my hand.

"Wait." I pulled back, smelling the strong scent of...


I whip my head around, pushing past a few people, and found Megan clutching her ankle in pain. Her hand was turned a dark red, and there was a dark puddle surrounding her feet.

"Megan!" I yelled, and Eli whipped his head around. We both ran to her.

"What happened?"

"I-I got shot, Lia. I don't know who it was, it was too dark to see, but i-it hurts so bad." She said, sobbing, the tears coating her cheeks.

"Eli, can you pick her up?" at I asked, and he nodded, going to her and picking her up bridal style.

People were still passing us left and right, and my heart dropped.

Aunt Alex? Celina? Mrs. and Mr. Price?

My Dad?

I-I don't even know if they're all okay.

My mind suddenly fades to my boyfriend. Where could he be?

"ANDREW! ANDREW!" I yelled as loud as I possibly could. The screams just were too loud, nothing else can be heard.

Eli and I ran, pushing past people.

"Somebody's hurt. Excuse us." I got frustrated, knowing we had little time and Megan was loosing too much blood. I placed my hands on her wound, trying to stop the blood flow.

"MOVE OUT OF OUR WAY! SOMEBODY'S HURT!" I screamed, and people seemed to get the memo.

We rushed her outside, and Eli stopped. "We don't have a car."

I bit my lip, looking around for a sign or a hospital near us. When I couldn't find anything, I reached for my phone and entered in an address.

"Got it! Walking distance is 5 minutes."

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