Chapter 6: Cat Got Your Tongue?

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Above: Blake Lively as Angelina Butler. Honestly, this wasn't a very hard decision because Lina's personality is just like Serena from Gossip Girl. So, this was a no-brainer.

Anyway, enjoy Chapter 6!!


Lia James

They looked like something out of a movie.

All the guys wore silver-rimmed aviators, with dark shades so that you couldn't see their eyes through them. All the guys wore black leather jackets, except for the one in front. He was carrying his in his hand. I'm guessing he was the 'leader' of the group or something. His curly brown hair was jelled up at the front, but a few strays of curls seemed to find their way out of his hair.

Honestly, all the guys looked incredibly fit and buff. You could practically see their muscles rippling through their shirts as they walked toward us. Toward us.

Oh, shit. I was not in the mood to deal with a bunch of stuck up rich kids especially if they hated my friends.

I put my head down, hoping they wouldn't notice me, who was considered fresh meat, and try to annoy me with their rich kid problems or something.

Before they reached our table, a boy came up to the guy who was the front (the leader), and they did that 'bro hug'. So I'm going to guess that they were good friends.

"Hey, crew." The curly haired guy said with an incredibly petty tone. I couldn't stand they way he spoke to my friends. I was ready to kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

"Oh, the silent treatment, huh? I guess I deserved that."

"Yeah, you do. You're a dickhead. Why do you think you even have the authority to talk to us after what you did?" Mason stood up, his knuckles turning white. I could see his vein pop out of his neck.

"Well, I mean friends forgive each other, right? I mean, it's not like I did anything wrong." He crossed his arms, putting his leather jacket on Brady's head, using him as a coat hanger.

"You did, nothing?" Oh no, Mason's eyebrow is starting to twitch.

When we were kids, Mason used to get into a ton of fights with other kids who bullied him, or Lina and I. Whenever he would get pissed off from their teasing, he would try to hold himself back, and I would know because his eyebrow would start to twitch.

"Of course I did nothing." He laughed, exposing his perfectly straight, white teeth. I mean, come on! No one has that white of teeth.

"Wrong answer." Mason said in a deep voice. It looked like he was about to do something really stupid, like punch him or kick him. I had to do something...and fast.

I stood up, grabbing Mason's arm and holding him back.

"Mason, he's not worth it." I whispered, and all I could hear was the sickening laugh in the guys voice.

"Mason? You've got yourself another girlfriend. Well, I suppose I should just steal her too. Everyone knows I have more to offer a girl than you do." He insulted, and my grip on Mason's arm tightened.

The guy suddenly began to walk over to me, and I panicked. I stared at everyone with wide eyes, and they just stood there like they haven't seen drama happen in their life. Well, except for Brady, who was still being used as a human coat hanger. And Cole who kept stuffing french fries up his nose. Jace was the only one who stared at me, intently, watching this guys every move.

He's not going to try anything on me. I thought, and I kept that thought locked in my head.

"And what's your name?" He whispered into my ear, and I brushed it off.

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