Chapter 48: Sing!

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Lia James

"No, no, no. There's no way." I waved my hands side to side, telling them no. Mrs. Price looked at me with a pleading expression, and Andrew seemed to mirror it.

Like mother, like son.

I couldn't give in, even if the person that I was in love with threatened to feed me to the wild animals, I would still say no. Dinner time for the bears it is.

"Come on Lia! It's just one night." Mrs. Price tried to reason with me.

"This could be the greatest night of your life." Andrew agreed with his mother.

I was being double-teamed.

"Or the worst! I could easily blow this whole show for you." I look over to Mrs. Price, who looks down at the ground. "I can't take that risk. This company is too important to the both of you."

"You won't, Lia. You won't. I've heard you sing before, and it's amazing. You can do this. I believe in you." His intense eye contact is all the confirmation I need to know that he's telling the truth.

"You've heard her sing?" Mrs. Price picks her head up, she smiles with a bit of hope.

"Of course I did. I wouldn't be advocating for her to sing if I hadn't. She's amazing, Mom." He exchanged glances between his mother and I.

"When did you hear her sing?" She asks, a bit curious and Andrew seems more than willing to give a little story time.

Andrew takes his mother's delicate hand, and leading her to the leather couch nestled in the far left corner of her office. I sit down near the arm rest facing both Mrs. Price and Andrew.

"It's actually quite a story. Do you have time?" He seems eager to tell his Mom.

"The show starts at 8. It's 7:15 right now, so a story right now would be amazing. Anything to take my mind off of this stressful situation." Mrs. Price takes a deep breath, placing her palm on her son's thigh.

"This actually happens to be one of my favorites." Andrew smiles, like he's replaying the story in his head. "So, it all started when I was driving. It was raining, foggy, and I could barely see a few feet in front of me....."

(This story will be told in the perspective of Andrew.)

"Holy fucktards. How can I get home in this?" I said to practically nobody. I was driving in my car, on my way home from a boring and useless day at school.

Why do we even need school anyways? It's just information that we are forced to learn but won't need and will probably forget by the time we graduate from college.

There's no point.

But there is a point to learning how to rotate your tires, how to do an oil change, and how to change a tire if it gets to be a little flat. Those are necessities that are needed, and the rest needs to be disregarded.

I perk up when my nose smelt something burning. I tried scanning the premises of the car, but there was nothing. There was, however, a lot of fog hitting my windshield.

Wait, that's not fog. That's smoke!

"Holy shit." I pulled over to the side of the road, turning the car off immediately and getting out. The sound of raindrops hitting the ground at a rapid pace, almost like the sound of a machine gun firing repeatedly.

My hair is damp in a matter of seconds as I make my way to the hood of my Audi, opening it's black cover. I quickly scanned the contents of the car, trying to make sure nothing major was damaged and that it could be fixed in this weather in a matter of ten minutes.

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