Chapter 53: The Plan

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Lia James

Upon my arrival at the Madden residence, I was greeted by a young lady. She had tan, olive skin, big brown eyes, and voluminous brown hair that was in waves on her shoulders.

Her smile was warm and inviting, and I took that as an opportunity to step out of the elevator and into the apartment.

As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by a two-story living room, with a stone fireplace across the room, and plush off-white chairs decorated the room. A long, blue, sectional sat in front of the fireplace and was decorated by throw pillows and blankets. In front of the couch was a large, all glass, coffee table with magazines and coasters. This was a put together by a solid color rug that was situated under the couch and coffee table.

Art decorated the room with different pictures, paintings, sculptures, anything the heart desired, it was here. In this living room.

There was a grand piano situated just before the spiral staircase, it was jet black with a shiny finish. There was some music on it, something of Beethoven, and I smiled. It was so elegant and majestic in here. Definitely the opposite of Eli.

I heard no voices in the quiet ambience. The sound of car horns and screeches filled the white noise, and I walked over to the balcony. It was blocked off from a glass door, and I didn't want to set off any alarm or anything, so I went over to the grand window. Golden curtains covered it, and I pushed them aside. I got a tingly sensation from how high above the ground I was. The people walking in the streets looked like ants, and the cars looked like toys.

Unfortunately, I couldn't admire it for too long, because of my fear of heights, so I closed the curtains when I felt queasy.

"Hello? Anyone here?" I called out.

There was nothing in response.

Soon enough, the petite lady came through the archway of the kitchen and entered the living room. She approached me with a smile, like how she did when I first arrived.

"Chica, tú estas aqui para vees Eli?" She spoke in a very authentic, thick accent.

I did have the odds in my favor, however. I've taken about seven years of Spanish, and although that's not nearly enough for us to communicate perfectly, it's enough for me to sort of understand her.

"Uh...Sí. ¿Dónde está Eli?"

"En su dormitorio. Ahí." She pointed to the second door from the staircase.

"Gracias, chica. Tú eres el madre de Eli?"

"Ahh sí, sí. Soy Amelia."

"Holá. Soy Lia, un amiga de Eli."

Her eyes went wide. "Un amiga? O un novia?"

She wiggled her eyes suggestively, and I promptly shook my head.

"No, no, no. Solo un amiga."

She eyed me with suspicion before she gestured Eli's room upstairs to me. I nodded, and then proceed to walk up the stairs.

There are better things to discuss here than Eli and I's relationship.

I took the opportunity to walk up the stairs before Amelia, Eli's mother, started to bombard me with questions I don't have time answering. I need to focus on the task at hand, which is finding out what's going on with the Lina-Dante debacle.

Eli's bedroom door was closed, and before I knocked, I looked at all the cool posters that he hung. It was a clutter of rock bands, half-naked women on sports cars, and pictures of him skateboarding.

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