Chapter 3: The Gang

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Lia James

"What's going on here?" Mason opened the door of my bedroom, and sat on the bed.

"I brought my DVD set of One Tree Hill. Lina and I used to love it when we were kids." I smiled back at Mason, before returning to the TV.

"Oh yeah, I remember when Lina had that absolute obsession with that girl who loved rock music." Mason laughed, pointing at Lina.

"You mean Peyton Sawyer? She was practically my spirit animal."

"What about you, LeeLee? Are you obsessed with any characters involved in this show?" Mason crossed his arms, leaning down and raising his eyebrows.

"Only Nathan Scott of course." I fanned myself, noticing how the temperature seemed to rise whenever he showed up on the TV.

"Who's he?" Mason asked with an attitude.

"Well, first off he's married to Haley James, now she's known as Haley James Scott." Lina started, pausing the episode we're on. "They were so in love with each other, that they got married when they were 16 years old."

"Ew. That sounds like a train wreck."

"Shut up, you dumb idiot. Now, as I was saying, they get married and then she gets pregnant they're senior year of high school, and then they have another kid a couple years later. It's like the most perfect family ever to exist on television." Lina claps her hands together.

"Doubt it." Mason retorted.

"Listen lady, Nathan Scott is the hottest television man ever to exist. He's definitely better than Lucas." I explained, turning to face Mason, who was still on the bed.

"Who's Lucas?"

"Lucas Scott is the brother that practically had the worst life compared to Nathan. His father abandoned him, and he was only raised by his mother and uncle. But, in a sense, less is more. Nathan was bullied by his father constantly and his mother was a pill popper." Lina laughed, and I soon joined.

Deb was definitely a mess.

"Mason, you kind of look like Lucas, now that I'm thinking about it." I mentioned.

"Well, then. I guess he's a very handsome person." He raised an eyebrow.

"Not that, you jerk face. I mean you have the same blonde hair, blue eyes, and you don't like to shave. But Lucas is better looking sorry." I nudged his arm, causing Lina to laugh at my insult.

"Definitely." Lina agrees, sitting on the bed with Mason and I.

"So, what episode are you guys on?" Mason squinted at the TV.

"Season 4 Episode 21." Lina confirms, looking at the TV, which was paused at a scene with Nathan in it.

"And what happens in this episode?"

"Haley goes into labor at graduation, and they name their baby after Haley's last name: James. His name is James Lucas Scott." I explained.

"Oof. She went into labor? At graduation? That's definitely something everyone remember at their high school reunion." Mason laughed. I wrapped my arm around his.

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