Chapter 65: I Want It All

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Lia James

I woke up this morning in a pool of sweat. I just kept having the same reoccurring dream: our team losing the championship.

There was an off-feeling, in the pit of my stomach when I got up this morning. It was like my intuition knew that something bad was going to happen whether it be Chelsea injuring one of the girls, or us losing. Whatever it was, I just wish I knew a way to stop it.

I decided to take a shower after I spent some time recovering from my thoughts. I stepped into the steamy hot shower, trying to erase all the negative energy that was corrupting me and my mind. With every thought about the game, came more stress and anxiety. I can't live that moment in fear especially when everything I've worked for my entire life has led up to this moment.

My future is at stake, and I know I say that a lot but it's true. And it's not just my future.

It's my dreams too.

Ever since I hit my first ball, I had this feeling of desire, like I wanted more. I craved to be as good as the professionals out there. I know that there is no professional softball, at least one that can't be lived off of based on salary, but I had ambitions.

I wanted to play in the MLB. I know how crazy it sounds, knowing I'd be the first girl to ever be drafted into a men's league, but I didn't care. I wanted to make history. It all started with the BC scholarship.

I get on the men's softball team, and from there build my reputation as a player. And hopefully, if I'm good enough, try out for the BC baseball team. From there, hopefully I'll get recruited by the Yankees or the Sox's. That was my dream, and although it seemed far-fetched, I had high hopes at least part of it would come true.

I heard my phone vibrate on the counter of the bathroom. So, I dried my hands off with the towel adjacent to me, and looked at the notification. It was a message from Andrew:

Hey, what are your plans for this morning?

We have a team meeting at eleven. Before then, Coach wants us to report to breakfast.

Is there anyway I could steal you for breakfast? I have something I need to give you before the game. I know you've been really stressed out and worried, and I wanted to talk to you.

Well, I could sneak away before anyone notices.

Good. Meet me in the lobby at 9:30.

Okay. See you then.

I put my phone back down, and finished my shower.

Great. Now I needed to find something to wear for the breakfast date.

I decided to throw on some sweat shorts and a tank top. That's the only nice outfit I packed.

Oh well. I thought as I ran to the door. I opened it quietly, making sure not to disturb Tori who was sleeping soundly in her bed.


As I walked to the lobby, I saw Andrew waiting for me. He was leaning against a pole, constantly checking the time on his phone. When he saw me, his face lit up like a child on Christmas Day. He grabbed my hand swiftly, and opened the hotel entrance doors for me.

We walked down the street like an ordinary, care-free couple. Our entwined hands swung back and forth as we talked about life and how things have been going with our families. Older couples would notice us laughing or kissing, and they would smile at what they thought was "young love".

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