Chapter 33

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The trio packed as quickly as they could knowing they only had about an hour before the lockdown. Tara, as usual, was angry at having to be stuck at the clubhouse on lockdown. Gemma didn't know how long they'd be on lockdown so she bought enough food for several days' worth of meals. Clay had reached out to SAMTAC, SAMDINO, SAMTAZ and several other charters letting them know what was going on and to help keep an eye out in case the kidnappers were moving the girl around.

Isis, Ashanti, and Happy returned quickly and parked. Happy was taking his old dorm room for him, Isis, and Ashanti to room in. Shortly before the lockdown was official, Gemma and Tig pulled in. The SAA had the prospects help unload Gemma's car. Lyla pulled in with Opie's kids right before the gate was to be shut. She had the kids take their bags to the room Opie had while she helped bring in groceries. Isis was helping Gemma put away all the food as it was brought in.

The two women discussed dinner plans and finally came to the conclusion of making chicken fried steaks, baked potatoes, and green bean casserole for dinner. Tara walked in as Gemma was just walking out of the kitchen. Isis was already in a foul mood and already wanted to roll her eyes at the brunette doctor before she ever opened her mouth.

"How does it feel to have your family threatened because of club business?" Tara sneered.

Isis grabbed her by the throat and pushed her up against the wall.

"You listen here you stuck up bitch! I'm in no mood to put up with you or your shit so you better just stay the fuck outta my way!" Isis exclaimed as she squeezed Tara's throat, "My little girl has been kidnapped and I have no idea if it's because of this club or not. Their grandfather is the head of a Russian mob family. This could easily be related to that."

Gemma watched with her arms crossed over her chest and a smirk on her lips. She really liked Isis.

"Let me go or I'll..." Tara stated.

"Or you'll what? Go crying to your 'ol man? Bitch, please. I don't rightly give a fuck. I've got better things to worry about than some snotty bitch like you." Isis exclaimed, "So go crying to Jax and let him know how mean I am to you."

Isis let her go then hissed at her to get out of her face. Tara quickly took off, most likely to whine to Jax, but Isis just ran her hand through her hair as Gemma walked back over.

"I'm proud of you, Isis. She's needed to be knocked down a peg for quite a while." Gemma stated, "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fucking angry. I hate sitting around waiting and not doing anything!" Isis exclaimed, "My little girl's out there somewhere with who-knows-what happening to her."

"It's ok. The boys will find her and make whoever kidnapped her pay with their lives." Gemma said.

Isis sighed, "I know. Really, I do. But that's my baby girl. She's my responsibility and I was powerless to help her when she needed me the most."

"This ain't your fault, Darlin'." Jax stated as he walked over.

"Then why does it feel like it is?" Isis sighed again.

"Because you're a good mother. Your natural protective instincts are making you feel like you let your child down. I know how you're feeling. I've been there when Abel was kidnapped by the Irish." Jax told her.

"I just hate waiting around so much! I feel like there's something I should be doing!" Isis ran her hand over her face.

"We'll get the intel we need before long and we'll find her. I promise." Jax gave her a warm smile.

Tara was pissed he wasn't ripping her a new one for threatening her. Instead he was bonding with her. Gemma suggested she go sit with her daughter while the boys waited for intel to come in. Ashanti was sitting on one of the couches with Chibs who was telling the young teen about his homeland. He was doing his best to keep her mind off why they had to be on lockdown and what might or might not be happening to her sister.

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