Chapter 28

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The drive back to Charming was spent in discussing what to make for dinner. After a while, it was decided on a nice roast with carrots, potatoes, onions, and celery, some nice buttered rolls, and salad. Gemma needed to do a little shopping before they could start on the meal prep. She would drop Isis and her girls off, go do her shopping, then call Isis back up to help with the dinner prep. She'd get Lyla over there too since she was an 'ol lady.

Gemma called Opie so he could let the other bikers who hadn't gone on the run know that there was going to be a big family dinner that night. He assured her he'd let everyone else know before they hung up. The Queen wrote down everything she needed before heading off to the store. Ashanti was hooking up her new system to her TV while her sister was thumbing through her new tattoo magazine. Isis was sitting on the couch watching TV until she was needed.

After Gemma returned, she immediately called Isis to come over. The younger woman shouted to her children she'd be next door if they needed her and to behave themselves while she was gone. Isis helped Gemma unload her car before they could start the meal prep. The older woman got out two crock pots, one for each roast she'd picked up, and began seasoning the roasts. Isis was about to start peeling potatoes when Lyla arrived. Gemma tasked the blond with peeling potatoes. Isis was tasked with chopping up carrots and celery and slicing onions to go along with the roasts.

Gemma knew Jax would tell Tara about their plans so she expected the doctor to arrive with her grandchildren around the time the bikers arrived. She hated doing anything with the club but she would show up to events like this. It irritated Gemma to know end. You were either all in with the club or you weren't in with them at all. There was no in-between. Isis had jumped all-in and she wasn't even an 'ol lady yet!

Some of the crow eaters had shown up to help prepare the meal which peeved Isis greatly. 'Why should some whore show up to help prepare a meal they aren't even invited to join?' she thought. Lyla tried to stay out of Isis' way when she noticed how her good mood had tanked with the arrival of the crow eaters. Gemma was barking orders at all of them except Isis. She still talked sweetly and kindly to her.

Once Isis had everything chopped and sliced, she put half in with one roast and the other half with the other one. Gemma put both lids on and set the temperature to high. Isis' next task was chopping veggies to go in the salad. Lyla was making tea and making sure there were a few cases of beer chilling in the basement fridge for the boys when they returned. The crow eaters were no longer useful so Gemma sent them scurrying away.

The Queen thanked both women for their help before sending them both home. She promised to call when dinner was ready. Isis walked back over to her house to just sit around and wait. It would be another few hours before things were ready, and before the bikers would return home, and she was anxious. She wanted to see her man. To make sure he was ok. It had been a few days and she missed him as much as she didn't want to admit it. With nothing better to do, she stretched out on the couch and took herself a nap.

The sound of her phone ringing made her sit up. Answering, she discovered it was Gemma on the other end stating that dinner was done and the boys should be home soon. Isis thanked the older woman before hanging up. She called for her girls who were both playing a game in Ashanti's room. It took a few minutes but they finally followed their mother across the yard to the house next door. Gemma opened the door after Isis knocked making her shake her head, "Just walk on in, sweetheart. The boys do."

It was odd but who was she to say how people did things? Isis helped Gemma bring all the food to the table as the girls sat around in the living room. They were bringing beers to most of the place settings with Lyla when the sound of several bikes could be heard. Jax, Ratboy, Quinn, Opie, and Juice all arrived together. Jax kissed his mother's cheek and said Tara was on her way with the boys. The Queen greeted the rest of the bikers as Jax asked how the two girls were doing in school. "I'm having some issues in math but otherwise doing ok." Ashanti told him making the blond smile at her and tell her to talk to Bobby about getting some math tutoring.

Lyla was bringing a case of beer to the kitchen fridge before passing some out to the bikers that had already arrived. Ratboy couldn't help but notice how antsy Isis seemed to be and wondered why. Gemma walked over to where Isis stood staring at the front windows keeping watch. "They'll be home soon. Just another few minutes." she told the younger woman with a smile.

Isis chuckled nervously and walked back into the kitchen. Opie had his arm draped casually over Lyla's shoulder as he stood there chatting with Jax and Quinn. When the rumbling of bikes could be heard, Isis' face lit up. She couldn't wait to see Happy! Gemma laughed softly remembering the early days of her and John's relationship and hers and Clay's. A few minutes later, the door opened up and Clay shouted they were home.

Gemma walked over to her husband to give him a kiss and tell him dinner was on the table and getting cold. She'd placed both roasts on a carving platter and all the veggies in a large glass serving dish. The large salad was in a salad bowl and the rolls were in a basket. Clay followed his wife to the dining room. Happy quickly pulled Isis into his arms before pressing his lips to hers. She moaned into the kiss ecstatic to have him back home again. He chuckled lowly, "I've missed you too."

Everyone found seats around the elongated table. Clay asked Jax if there had been anything going on while they were gone. The blond shook his head as he filled his plate and said there was no club business that had come up earning a satisfied sigh from his step-father. Gemma looked over at Isis who was chatting with Chibs as she waited for the meat platter to make it to her.

"Isis had two intruders break in." Gemma announced, "She wound up shooting them both but I think they're going to be ok. Still at he hospital according to Unser."

"What?!" Happy growled as he looked down at Gemma.

"Yeah. Breaking glass woke me up. I grabbed my gun, got the girls to my bathroom and called 9-1-1. They thought they could take me but I warned them to not step into my bedroom or I'd shoot. The first guy didn't listen so I shot him in the thigh.

He told the other guy to get me so I eventually shot him in the chest near his shoulder. The operator was on the phone with me the whole time. Not that it did any good. Police eventually showed up and so did Chief Unser." She shrugged as if it were no big deal.

Tig just laughed, Chibs smiled over at her, and Bobby was trying to keep from smiling. It didn't surprise any of them that she'd shot the intruders.

"She still needs to get the broken window replaced and the blood cleaned up from the carpet." Gemma added in.

"Speaking of. If you know of any good solutions for that, please let me know." Isis looked down at the Queen.

"Why didn't you call us?" Jax asked making her shrug.

"I'm sure it was just thieves breaking in. Picked my house at random type thing. Didn't want you involved if you didn't need to be." She stated.

"Next time that happens, you call someone besides the police." Happy ordered her.

"I'll just shoot the intruders again no matter who I call." She shot back making Tig grin.

"It's not up for debate." Happy countered making her roll her eyes and huff.

"So. How was the run? Got the other charter all taken care of?" Gemma moved the conversation away from the break in.

"Went very well. The guys giving our charter such fits didn't want to mess with them once we had a little chat and informed them there were charters of the Sons all over the US and we call on each other for help all the time." Clay smirked, "Of course, blowing up their strip club helped in the...negotiations."

Isis snickered at the thought of them blowing up a strip club to get back at another club. 'Talk about some hot pussy!' she wanted to say but decided to keep her mouth shut. The guys talked about the ride and a few other things before the topic of conversation turned to lighter topics. How Jax's kids were doing. How Isis' girls were doing. Jax mentioned Ashanti's problems in math and suggested Bobby tutor her in math. "I'd be more than happy to help her with her studies if I can." The big-bellied baker replied making the younger teen smile and thank him.

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