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Male reader here-
AU? None
⚠️⚠️: nope
Type? Comfort

You work at the Angle's Share tavern, Kaeya comes for a visit.

(Y/n) POV

I sighed resting my head against the wall of the Angle's Share. "Almost done.." I mumbled, pushing myself off of the wall. The front door opened, having someone walk in. "Sorry we're closed please come back tomorrow." I said out loud hearing them laugh.

"That's no way to treat your boyfriend." The voice, now Kaeya replied stifling a laugh. "Kaeya?" I asked slightly shocked that he came over to the tavern. "The one and only." I heard his footsteps across the wooden floors. "You couldn't have waited at least 1 more hour?" I asked, turning around to be face to face with him.

"Please, I just had to see my handsome boyfriend." His face held a smile that soon became contagious. "Fine~ only because I love you." I let out a tiny laugh, grabbing his hand. He gave a happy hum, pulling my hand up kissing it lightly.

"Think you missed by a long shot." I joked having him laugh. "Just another reason I'm a swords man." He said, leading him to kiss me. I practically melted into the kiss. Once we parted he rested his head on my forehead.

"Get a room you two." Diluc's voice rang out. I quickly jumped backwards, tripping over a chair, hitting the floor. "Master Diluc! I thought you wouldn't be back till later." I talked quickly, standing back up. "You thought wrong." He said, walking closer to the two of us.

Kaeya stood next to me, slowly grabbing my hand. I smiled, once he grabbed my hand. "Sorry but I must borrow (Y/n). I'll return them tomorrow." Kaeya quickly pulled me out of the tavern, hearing a sigh from Diluc as we left.

"Kaeya, slow down." I called out having his slow down to a walking pace. "Sorry about that, didn't want us to feel like we were trapped in ice now." He said leading my to chuckle. "Is all you think about ice?" I asked jokingly. "What no. I think about the knights of Flavonious, then ice, but most importantly you." He said tapping my nose.

I turned a shade of pink, making him smile. "Cute." He said making me trim a darker shade of pink. "No, I'm not cute." I defended myself. "But you are. I couldn't lie to you." He kind of purred out. "Bless Barbatos themself." Kaeya started laughing making me smile.

"You never fail to put a smile on my face (Y/n)." Kaeya said after his laughing stopped. "That was my goal. I love you Kaeya." I said smiling up at him. "I love you to (Y/n). I'll always be you personal knight." He said Bowing slightly.

"Heh, I'll except you knightly act." I tilted his head up kissing him. I felt him smile threw the kiss, leading me to do the same. I pulled him into a hug, feeling his arms wrap around me. "Shall we head home? I can say we'd be much more comfortable." Kaeya asked, moving a bit of my hair out of my face. "I guess we shall." I was quickly picked up, having my arms and legs wrap around Kaeya.

"Kaeya put me down~"


Mmmmmmh Kaeya's hot-

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