Head cannon

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Since it's taking a tiny bit to write here's head cannons for charters.


-since he is pretty popular, he's drop part of the flirting with people via your request.
-he'd act cool and collected to the people but when your alone
-this boy- it's cuddles or spicy time

-she would still act all happy around you, maybe a bit more relaxed if you ask
-100% cuddles
-I feel like she would take you on dinner dates

-she would like study you up
-find out what you like and don't like
-she would let you use the restricted section books to your hearts content

-Venti jelly of your free wine
-probs act softer around you than others
-hair braiding

-would play songs for you
-take you to see the other um "gods" can't remember what they call them
-ask to braid your hair from time to time

Yeah just a few ppl

I have a request and a thought in my head so I'm trying my best-

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