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Female reader!
AU? None
Type: Soft smut, nothing truly bad was what was requested but I couldn't-

This story was requested by shplonk


(Y/n) POV

I heard the door open, assuming Zhonhli came in. "(Y/n) dear?" I hear him call out, I walked out of the room I was in feeling a stressed mood from him. "Yes? You need something?" I asked as he stood in front of me. He placed his head on my shoulder, sighing heavily.

He didn't answer my question only turned and kissed my cheek. I smiled, "I think you missed dear." His head tilted to see me tapping my lips. "I'd miss if I wanted to, I'll miss more times." He replied having me turn a shade of red.

He tugged at my hand pulling me farther into the house, more importantly the bedroom.  I shut the door, like anyone would come in, quickly laying on the bed.


I felt Zhonhli pull me closer to his chest sighing. I hummed contentedly, having my hair get moved out of my face. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked, I shook my head. "No you didn't.." I mumbled out. "That's good, rest my dear. I bet your tired." He patted my head gently, putting my to sleep.

This is really bad I'm sorry TT

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