[19] Can't Look Away.

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"Hey," protested Zac. "I wanna sit too!"

"You can come and sit on the couch between Ash and I," Jade suggested with a big smirk on her face.

Zac gave her an exasperated look before he huffed and gently sat himself down between the two girls. Since the three of them were squashed into very little space, Zac gently put his arm on the back of the couch behind Ashley, careful not to disturb the sleeping girl. Ashley stirred, making Zac freeze and look at her apprehensively. She sighed in her sleep as she snuggled into Zac's chest and continued to sleep. Zac fondly gazed at the sleeping girl, as everybody else's gaze wandered between him and Ashley.

"Aww, would you look at that!" cooed Gabriella with a huge grin plastered across her face.

Zac looked to his right and suddenly he realized exactly how he and Ashley were sitting. He suddenly freaked out because he realized that it was Ashley, whom he was sitting next too; the girl to whom he tried to show all day, that he wasn't into her. Even though Zac was pretty confident otherwise, Ashley made him go all shy and confused, for some reason. He hastily made to get up, confusing everybody else in the room with his sudden, unexplained movements. He gently put Ashley back in the same position that she was in, before he got up.

"Um Zac," Jade frowned. "What happened? Why'd you get up?"

"She might still be pissed at me," Zac explained, "and I for one won't wanna wake up snuggled up next to someone who I'm pissed at, if I was in her place."

Jade's mouth formed an O shape at Zac's words as she nodded. "Right, it makes sense."

"Yeah," Zac groaned as he sat on the floor and leant against the couch. "It totally does."

About five minutes later Ashley stirred before she sat up straight and stretched as a huge yawn escaped her mouth.

Jayden, who'd happened to glance in her direction right then spoke up. "Oh hey Ashley," he smiled at the sleepy girl, "you're up. Slept well?"

"Yeah," Ashley yawned again. "How long have I been out?"

"Only for about two and a half hours," joked Gabriella, as an amused expression came over her face.

Gabriella's words seemed to have woken Ashley up properly as she gawked at the blonde. "Fu-k!" she exclaimed! "Had I really been out for that long?"

"Yeah," Sean laughed. "You have."

Ashley nodded absentmindedly as she groped on the couch, as if she was looking for something. "Where's my phone? I thought I had it right here."

Zac, who was sitting on the floor, right next to the couch glanced around to see if her could spot her phone. He reached out to pick up the sleek black HTC phone- which he had spotted on the floor next to him- before he spoke up hesitatingly. "It's here," he said unsurely as he held out the phone to Ashley. "It was on the floor."

Ashley slowly took the phone from his hand. "Thanks," she muttered as the previous night's happenings, as well as that day's happenings rushed back to her. She flared up on remembering how she thought Zac had been leading her on. Even though she was really angry, she did a pretty good job of hiding her anger.

"Are you still pissed at me, Ash?" Zac asked hesitantly, his voice almost a whisper.

The remaining seven people in the room were silent, as they watched Ashley and Zac, hopefully, sort of misunderstanding.

"Um, no," Ashley answered in the most nonchalant tone that she could muster up. Seeing Zac's expression, which conveyed that he was clearly upset, all of Ashley's anger vanished. Suddenly, she wanted everything to back to normal. Suddenly, she wanted to be able to talk normally with Zac, without any awkwardness coming in between them. Right then, she decided to forget about all that happened since sunday evening, and block that one full day out of her head so that she and Zac could get back to being normal, without any awkwardness between them.

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