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I can't believe I am actually doing this.... If it wasn't for that new game...

Earlier in the morning.

"Pleeeease! Just this one time my lovely brother! I'll buy you anything! Pweaaaase!" Yoora said showing some agyeo, making me wanna puke. She pooped herself on couch near me, almost invading my personal space.

"No way! And Since when were you so sweet to me Yoora?!" I said pushing my older sister away from my face.

"Please bro! It's just a double date! And I promised I'd bring a boy too!

"Ughh Why me? And a date with a boy-"

"Aww come on! Aren't you bi? Then there is no problem!! And you seem too lonely." Yoora said with pitiful eyes.

"Yah!! I am not lonely, I am very much happy with Toben." I said pointing at my dog lying on his comfy bed.

"But he hates you..." Yoona raised her brow.

"We have a love-hate relationship. You wouldn't know."

"This is exactly why you need a date!"

"No I don't. Just ask someone else noona. And who goes on a double date with their brother??"

"Yeollaaa~ Just this once!! I'll buy you the new game that got released!! You wanted them right?? Please don't ruin my date..." Yoora pleaded with both her hands clasped and showing her infamous puppy eyes.

"Ughh- Fine! But-"

"Thank you! Thank you! Love so much! Let me just call them!"

"Wait-!" Pushing me off, she went off typing on her phone.


"Please at least smile..." Yoora said styling my hair in front of the restaurant. I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"I am just gonna stay for 10 min. Don't expect too much from me..." I said adjusting my jacket.

"Oh they are here! Ji woong-shi!!" She said waving her hand towards the two figures coming. Two guys were coming, but my eye caught only one. He was a little shorter than the other....brown fluffly hair...and just really pretty.

"Hi, sorry for the wait Yoora-shi. Ah and this is my friend, Baekhyun." The taller guy 'Ji woong' introduced the smaller one. He Waved a small hi, Cheeks tainted pink. His baggy clothes made him look even smaller.


What?! I mean...can a guy look this pretty?!

"Eyy...It's alright! We just came! And this is my brother, Chanyeol...Shall we go in!" Yoora said pulling Ji woong into the restaurant. Why do I feel bad for that guy...

I looked beside too see Baekhyun looking confused. We both stood looking really awkward. "Umm...Let's go inside." I said giving an awkward laugh.

Both of us entered and took a seat at the next table beside them..

We both sat in an awkward silence. "So...You like TVXQ?" I asked noticing the TVXQ hoodie he was wearing. Blushing he looked down quite embarrassed..."Umm...Yeah."

"I-I like them too! My sister likes them a lot, so it kinda grew on me...There's no need to be so embarrassed..." I said rubbing the back of my neck, to make him feel more comfortable. His eyes lit up, and gave a small smile, his dimple showing a little.

*Thump Thump*

W-what was that.

Soon he started to speak more, surprisingly we had both more in common. I made few jokes to make it less awkward...

Just one thing surprised me was he was two years older than me. I almost spat the water in mouth when he said his age.

"26?! No way! You look way too young..." I said widening my eyes as big as dounots. I definitely thought he was younger than me.

After eating we all met again at the entrance. "It was really fun!" My sister said smiling wide. "Yeah...It was nice meeting you..." I said giving a sweet smile to Baekhyun. "Yeah me too..." He said his voice sounding like honey...

Is it hot...or it's just me??

Soon biding goodbyes, we headed the opposite direction.

"Ooo...Seems like someone had a little too much fun. Tell me! He is cute isn't he?" Yoora asked wiggling her eyebrows, holding my arms. I rolled my eyes and pushed her off.

"Shouldn't I be the one to say that, you were literally all over him." I said smirking. She rolled her eyes, and smirked.

"Well I guess then you won't be needing his number..." She said waving her phone...

"W-wait! Y-you have his number...?"

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