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After 1 Year and 6 months.

"I am not going there!" Jongdae whined as he sat down on the chair. After seeing the crowd outside he felt his knees go weak. He loosened his bow tie feeling a bit suffocated.

"What if I mess it up??" Jongdae asked nervous his lips trembling.

"Yah! For how long have you been waiting for this day? And now you are scared to mess it up?" Baekhyun asked chuckling kneeling down, meeting him at eye level.

"I I know!! But- This all- Everything just seems so surreal!" Jongdae said his tearing up. Baekhyun was shocked. This was the first time Baekhyun has seen Jongdae cry. Of course He did see Jongdae cry when they watched a movie together, but these tears were different.

Baekhyun hugged him making soothing circles on his back. Pulling back he looked Jongdae in the eye. "You love him. And he loves you. And he Freaking said Yes to you! That shows how much he loves you!! So stop being a whimp and get out there!" Baekhyun said squeezing his shoulder.

Jongdae's eyes lit up, and smiled confident. "Gumoa... Baekhyun." Jongdae said chuckling. "Eyy boya~ You are thanking me?" Baekhyun teased punching him. Jongdae smirked bringing back his goofy smile.

"Hehe...Kre'! I'll support you too! When it's your wedding~!" Jongdae said winking. Baekhyun blushed hard at the comment.

"Y-Yah!" Baekhyun yelled punching the groom harder than he expected.

"Yah Byun Baekhyun!" Jongdae yelped in pain.

"I am so sorry!" Baekhyun apologized trying to control his laugh. Soon Jongdae also joined him, Feeling more relaxed.

"Are you guys ready??" Both turned towards the door noticing a brown head popping from behind the door.

"Oh Yeol-ah!" Baekhyun stood up elated at the sight of his boyfriend. Chanyeol entered in his tuxedo, Making Baekhyun drool over him.

"Hey babe... You look amazing." Chanyeol said sweetly pecking the older's lips. Baekhyun giggled and kissed back. "You too.."

Jongdae groaned in the background.

"I think I should better get out of here before it gets 19+!" Jongdae said closing his eyes.

"Oh don't act like you don't do stuff like this with Xiumin." Chanyeol retorted back smirking. He hugged from the side holding him close. Baekhyun glared at the Groom who just stuck his tongue at the two.

"Whatever...But...How is Minseok?" Jongdae asked curious and worried. Also missing the older. Since the groom's can't see each other before the Wedding (Luhan's and Baekhyun's weird superstition), Jongdae hasn't seen the older since yesterday morning.

And since Baekhyun locked Jongdae's door, he couldn't even sneak out to see his lover. Jongdae was never more mad at Baekhyun than he was last night.

"He's with Luhan. Guess he is quite nervous." Chanyeol said chuckling.

Still not believing the fact that Minseok and Luhan are actually best friends. Chanyeol was quite shook when he found out when Luhan and Minseok knew each other.

All the three couples met coincidentally met at the theaters. It's was the most confusing day Chanyeol had ever had. It was as if the multiple spider man meme had come to life.

Chanyeol got a vague Idea on how Sehun got Baekhyun's New book.

Though it was the first time Sehun had met Jongdae, just as he expected, both got along really well.

Jongdae looked down fiddling with his fingers. But a small crept on his lips. Thinking about spending the rest of his lifetime with Minseok, made his heart flutter, just like how it did when he first met him.

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