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Chanyeol headed to the kitchen in search of the older. He saw Baekhyun cutting vegetables in his apron.

"Ah Baekhyun...Is there anything I can help with?" Chanyeol asked, hands in his pockets.

Baekhyun quickly looked back smiling and shaking his head.

"Ani...You are my guest! I can't make you do any work!! It's alright I can manage myself. You can wait in the living room." Baekhyun said confident, ushering the taller out.

"Aww...I can't just sit, let me help you. I am pretty good cook too. It'll also make me feel better, I already feel like I am bothering you." Chanyeol said pouting making the older difficult to say no.

Giving up Baekhyun sighed. "Alright, then...can you chop up the vegetables?" Chanyeol nodded quickly, moving towards the older. "Sure."

Baekhyun pulled another apron from the drawer and handed it to Chanyeol. Being the clumsy boy he is, Chanyeol got tangled up in the knots. Chuckling Baekhyun helped him the apron.

"T-These are different from what I use!! It has a lot of strings!" Chanyeol said defensively embarrassed.

"Ok ok I didn't say anything~" Baekhyun teased giggling. Chanyeol once again felt the fluttering feeling being close Baekhyun. He could see how Baekhyun's eyebrows were scrunched in concentration, as he tied the apron.


"Ok then! I'll start the cutting!" Chanyeol said hyped up. Laughing both started cooking their dinner.

Chanyeol teased the older for his height for not being able to reach the dishes on the shelf.

The cooking went faster than they thought and placed everything on the table.

Both of them started diving into the food.

"Wow! These are soo good!" Chanyeol exclaimed as he took a sip of the soup.

"Yours is amazing too!" Baekhyun said chewing the sausages. Chuckling both ate, having pleasant conversation.

Soon they finished and went to do the dishes. After Arguing on who will do the dishes, once again they came to the conclusion of doing it together.

Finishing up Chanyeol and Baekhyun went to the living room. Baekhyun handed a candy bar as dessert since he didn't have any other sweets. Chuckling Chanyeol gladly accepted it.

Chanyeol glanced at the wall clock and it was almost 10:00 P.M. Baekhyun too realized it was getting late.

Baekhyun led Chanyeol to the guest room. "This was my friends room, You can sleep in here. I'll get the blankets!" Baekhyun chirped and went towards the cupboard. Chanyeol looked around and noticed few pictures. Some looked like it was taken during his high school with his friends. There were few photo of someone else too.

Was this his friend...?

A particular photo caught his attention.

Baekhyun picked up the blankets and pillow, and layed them on the bed.

"Is this you?" Chanyeol asked looking at the small kid on the photo. Baekhyun quickly ran towards him and snatched the photo. Holding it close to his chest.

"Ahh! d-dont see it!" Baekhyun said embarrassed, turning to the other side. Smirking Chanyeol leaned towards him.

"Aww wae? You looked pretty cute in it." Chanyeol whispered in his ears. Baekhyun widened his eyes, slightly pushing him away.

"Y-Yah!" Baekhyun screamed turning red. Chanyeol laughed and stepped towards the older, loving teasing him. Baekhyun took a step back instinctively, holding the photo behind him.

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