Chapter 8: Is This Really Happening?

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I apologize about this chapter. This is a really, really short chapter only because I wanted to leave you guys on a cliff hanger =)


Chapter 8: Is This Really Happening?


Kayle’s POV


I was watching Adian sleep. She looked like she was having one of those bad dreams again. Her forehead was covered in sweat. I tried to wake her up by tapping her lightly on her shoulder but she didn’t wake up. Instead, she twitched and kicked me in the shin. Ugh! That hurt! I bit my lower lip trying desperately not to cry. I started to rub where she had kicked me and felt a bit annoyed. So this time when I tried to wake her, I didn’t hold back. I pushed her with all my strength. She fell off the bed and hit the floor with a thud. That sure woke her up.

“Hey! Why’d you push me off?” she asked. I tried my best not to sound annoyed and said “You were having a nightmare so I tried to wake you up but you kicked me.” I showed her my shin which was now already starting to turn purplish- black. “Look at what you did!” pointing at the black spot.

She looked down and muttered softly, “I’m sorry.” I turned my attention to her and saw that she seemed really shaken up by her dream. My mood turned from anger to worry. “What’s wrong? What was your dream about this time?”

She shook her head, trying her best to hide her sadness. “Nothing.” I hate when she does this.

“I know something’s wrong! Now tell me! Don’t you dare try hiding anything from me!” she sighed in defeat.

“I have a really weird feeling that-“she was cut off by the ringing of her phone. She didn’t seem like she was in the mood to answer it so I picked it up for her.

“Hello?” I asked into the phone. There was a weird laugh on the other line before someone spoke into it.

“Well hello Kayle.” Suddenly I froze in place, horrified. It can’t be her.

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