Chapter 7: Her Smile, Priceless!

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Chapter 7: Her Smile, Priceless!

Adian’s POV

RING! RING! RING! What is that? I tried to go back to sleep but the ringing wouldn’t stop. I gave up trying to go back to sleep and opened my eyes to see a peaceful Kayle. She was such a heavy sleeper. Not even my annoying alarm could wake her from her beauty sleep. It was still ringing so I reached my hand over to the off button and turned it off. I turned back to my sleeping beauty to find that she was now wide awake. Dam, I wanted to watch her sleep some more. “Good morning gorgeous!” I said giving her a smooch on her lip.

“Good morning babe. How did you sleep?” I sat up and wrapped the blanket around my breast not bothering to hide the smile I had on my face. “I slept great! How did you sleep?” I asked as I looked over to her. She was lying on her stomach and only half her face was visible, the other half was smothered by the pillow. She saw that I was in a good mood and she grinned. “Someone had a good night didn’t they?” I blushed. Last night was my first time and it had been perfect. After Samantha left we returned to what we were doing and we couldn’t seem to keep our hands off each other.

Kayle uncovered herself and started to get out of bed. I couldn’t help but stare at her beautiful body. She has an even tan and it made her look almost Hawaiian. She turned to glance at me and caught me looking at her so she decided to tease me a bit. She started to shake her butt in my face before heading into the bathroom. I laughed as I enjoyed the show, thinking how great my morning was already. I heard the water run and I knew she was about to take a shower. I decided to join her so I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I slowly turned the door knob and opened it a crack. I could hear her singing along to the song that was playing and I tried to stop myself from laughing. She always sang in the bathroom and it was such a peaceful sound. I opened the door a bit more and snuck into the bathroom then I slowly closed it, trying not to make a single noise.

Kayle’s POV

I took the shower head and sang into it like it was a microphone. “Hey, I just met you and this is crazy but here’s my number, so call me maybe.” This was such a good song, I had it on replay. Suddenly I heard the song change and it made me withdraw the curtain to see what had happened to find Adian in the bathroom giggling. I creased my brows. Was my singing that bad? She must have seen my face expression because she stopped and walked over to me. Then she gave me that oh so sexy smile of hers. “Can I join you?” I wanted to mess with her for laughing at me so I said “NO!” and crossed my arms over my chest and pretended to throw a tantrum.

“Aww, but I want to shower with you! Please? Pretty please with extra cherries on top?” she begged me. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Gotcha!” She took that as her cue and jumped into the shower with me. She took the shower head from my hand and turned on the water. I thought she was going to wash me but instead she put the water to freezing cold and aimed it right at me. The nerve of her! She laughed as I squealed, jumping out of the shower. Now it was her who said “Gotcha!” I glared at her. We shall see who got who later on. I thought of my evil plan as I hopped back into the shower.

After our shower together, we got ready to go out. We both decided to go to the mall to shop for a birthday present for her best friend Jamie. That girl sure is picky! Adian told me about all the times she had to get her a present and how much of a hassle it was. She was either allergic to the material or she just didn’t take the gift because it was useless.

As we reached the mall, I wanted to do some shopping on my own. Being the best girlfriend Adian is, she told me she’ll go with me. I grabbed her hand as we walked through the mall and I couldn’t help but noticed people staring at us. This wasn’t the first time we’ve been to the mall together but the way people were looking at us made me feel a bit uneasy. Adian must have noticed and withdrew her hand from mine and wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me close, protectively. The stares continued but Adian didn’t seem to pay much attention to them and walked with me as if it was just the two of us. We finally reached American Eagle and there was a huge sign saying everything is now 40% off. Adian didn’t seem to have any interest in this store and she showed it. “Why don’t you go shop at the stores you like? I’ll just call you when I’m done.” She glanced at me then to someone who was looking at us with a dirty look. She narrowed her eyes. “No, I’d rather stay with you.” She said before grabbing hold of my hand.

After shopping at American Eagle for an hour or so, I paid for my clothes. “Are you hungry?” Adian asked me.

“I am a bit. Are you?” she nodded.

“Well then, let’s go grab some brunch.” She said giving me her biggest smile. I love her smile and whenever she gave me that smile, all my worried seem to disappear. Her smile, I've come to notice, is priceless!

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