Chapter 26: You Never Know, Unless You Try

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Chapter 26: You Never Know, Unless You Try

Kayle's POV

I pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. I turned to Adian to see how she was holding up. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw her mouth drop wide open. Placing my hand under her jaw, I closed it for her, still laughing. I had asked her dad if I could take her there and he gladly approved. He also informed me about Helen before sneaking some money into my pocket which I found unnecessary. That woman needs to get a grip because she's one crazy bitch! If it wasn't for Adian's dad, we would both have been dead so I am truly graceful. I would rather be alive and live with Adian then be dead without her even if she doesn't remember me. Lost in my thoughts, I felt myself frowning but slowly got a hold of myself as I reached for Adian's hand.

"Let's go before the line gets too long." I told her. She nodded with a huge smile on her face, looking like a little kid that just got told they could have as much candy as they want.

I opened the door to the car and hopped out before closing it shut the same time Adian closed her door. I locked it as I meet up with Adian in the front of the car. She couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of the sign that says 'Richard J. Korpi Ice Rink'. As I foretold, there seems to be quite a line but I made sure we didn't have to wait that long. There was an express line but it was an extra $15 charge but that's not a problem with me as long as Adian got to skate as long as she wants.

We reached the express line with about five people in front of us but the line went quick so we were next.

"Hi, Welcome to Richard J. Korpi Ice Rink, rentals?" the person asked. I nodded.

"What sizes?" she asked Adian and I.

"Umm, I'm a size 7 and she's a size 9." I said pointing over to Adian who looked at me confused. I smiled and shook my head. She probably doesn't even remember what her own show size was.

The lady turned around behind the booth and went into the back. After a minute she came back with two pairs of ice skates and placed them in front of us on the counter. She then told us to give her our wrists. I gave her my left wrist as Adian stuck out her right one. She put a neon green wristband around my wrist before doing the same to Adian's. I picked up our skates and walked to the bench, where I dropped them off and signaled for Adian to take a seat. She sat down as I kneeled down in front of her. I undid her shoelaces before taking off her shoe. I grabbed the skates that were sitting on the bench and put the first one on before doing the same to her other foot. Then I tied them and made sure she was comfortable in them. They had to be tight but not too tight otherwise she could twist her ankle.

"Are they too tight or just right?" I asked her softly while looking up at her. She looked down at her feet and seemed to have wiggled her toes before looking back at me.

"They're just right" she smiled at me "Thank you." I nodded, got to my feet and walked over to the bench, sitting down to put on my own skates.

After I finished putting on my skates, I picked up my shoes along with Adian's and walked over to a station where you dropped off the shoes. I waved and greeted her before handing the shoes over. I met Sam from the few times we've been here, I actually met her through Adian. Sadly, she doesnt remember Sam either. She took them happily and nodded towards Adian. "How is she?" she asked me which caused me to smile. Adian has been doing better, she still can't seem to remember who I am but at least she lets me kiss her.

"Better but she still doesn't remember me. I'm trying my best" I told her honestly. With that I waved her goodbye before turning around and making my way over to where Adian is sitting. She seems to be looking at the window where I could see other people skating around in circles. This is definitely going to be a long day I thought to myself. I'm not much of a skater and the last time we came here was about two and a half weeks ago just as it started to get cold.

Two and a Half Weeks Ago

"Come on Kayle!" Adian shouted to me while skating around on the ice. I gripped the side railing even tighter hoping I don't fall. I watched as she went around a full round before coming besides me. There was no one here that day because it was a weekday. We were supposed to be in class but that day was our sixth month anniversary so Adian took me here.

She had that wonderful smile on her face telling me she's enjoying herself. I tried to skate by myself but it was clearly harder than Adian made it look. Even entering the rink was harder than I thought. As soon as I stepped on the ice, I slipped and almost fell on my ass.

When Adian got back to where I was standing, she reached out her hand before smiling directly at me and once again her smile takes all the worry away. My body moved on its own and took Adians hand while my mind was screaming at me not to.

"Let go of the rail Kayle, I won't let you fall. I promise. Come on." She said softly with that same smile which I couldn't seem to resist. I slowly released the railing and let Adian take me around the rink. I didn't move my feet nor did I see how fast we were going. I closed my eyes shut and just gripped Adian's hand as hard as I could, feeling the wind through my hair as we picked up speed. "Kayle, open your eyes, love. It's not that bad now is it?" I nodded still keeping my eyes as tightly shut as possible. She laughed and suddenly I seemed to have slipped because one minute we were going around the rink just fine, the next I fell on my ass pulling Adian along with me. I felt the ice shavings invade my pants, giving it a soaking feeling.

I heard Adian laugh while still sitting on the floor with me as I pouted at her. "What happened to not letting me fall?"

She continues to laugh before getting on her knees and getting herself back on her two feet. She then skates away causing me to pout some more. She's so mean sometimes I thought to myself just as two arms came under my arm pits and pick me up. She took me to the railing so I could dust myself off as I continued to still have sadness written all over my face.

"Kayle, I'm sorry babe but I didn't think you would slip on your own" she smirked before giving me a peak on my lips. "Come on. One more time, maybe you might get to skate on your own this time" she continued to say while wiggling her eye brows. "Hey, you never know, unless you try" and with that I sighed before giving in, she's right. She held out her hand like before and I took it without a second thought. Like she said I tried it a couple of times and got the hang of it. I almost slipped again but she caught me like she promised she would. I looked deep into her eyes and knew at that point that she will always be there to catch me when I fall.

A sudden overhead announcement snapped me out of my memory. Adian tapped my shoulder to get my attention and to tell me that we can get on the rink now. Since the last time we have been here was two weeks ago, I'm kind of rusty on the ice skating thing but Adian, she's a natural at this because she came here a lot when she was younger. Her dad would bring her here whenever the season was right. I have learned quite a few things from Adian and this was one of them. She inspired me to never give up because, and I quote her, "Hey, you never know, unless you try." I don't know where I would be right now without her and with that said, I am glad I get this opportunity to have her fall in love with me one more time.

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