Chapter 24: Never Give Up, Fight For Your Own Happiness!

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(A/N) I just wanted to say a little something before I let you read this Chapter. No matter what life throws at you or no matter how tough life gets, never give up and always remember this: IT WILL GET BETTER! Live life to its fullest and enjoy it! Life's too short (Kind of cliche lol) and if you're wasting the time you have on any one event, you will never live through tomorrow. Think positive and be happy. Put a smile on that pretty face of yours and walk out in the world! Who knows what tomorrow brings lol Ok =) That's all I wanted to say =D. Live. Love. Laugh! <3 I hope you enjoy this chapter =)


Chapter 24: Never Give Up, Fight For Your Own Happiness!

Kayle’s POV

My smile started to die down as soon as I saw Adian put her arm over her head. She usually does that when she gets confused or frustrated. It’s been a rough week for the both of us. Three days ago we were both at the hospital. I was unconscious for two days and Adian, she was just there.

When I woke up from my deep sleep, I was so happy to see that she was ok. I reached my hand up to touch her cheek but she pulled away from me as if I was a stranger. Her eyes held shock and frustration so I put my hand back down, frowning. Then the doctor came in the room to check on me. He used a small flashlight and held my eye open to beam the light into my eye before repeating it with the other eye which took longer due to the fact that it was still swollen. After a few more checks he said I was free to go the next day.  After informing me that I was free to leave tomorrow, he asked Adian to leave the room for a few minutes so he could talk to me. Adian nodded before making her way to the door. After I heard the door close behind her I asked the question that was causing me worry.

“Dr. Philips. Is everything alright?” I asked not hiding my worry and curiosity. He looked down before nodding his head.

“There seems to be a problem Ms. Kayle. Adam, the man that brought you to the hospital has informed me that Adian is your girlfriend?” He looked back up, confirming. I nodded as he continued. “Well, she might have some memory loss.  There is a part of her life that she won’t be able to remember. Whatever she was hit with damaged her brain badly. I’m surprised she’s even awake and not in a coma or worse, disabled.”

My eyes widened as I registered what he just said. I just stared at him for what seemed like a long time until I finally snapped out of it. “Is there anything that I can do that might help her remember me?” I asked still registering the news.

“You can try. I recommend bringing her to places you two have been to together or show her photos. I can’t guarantee that she will remember you but it’s worth a shot. I’m really sorry Kayle. Just be patient and maybe she might remember again.” I nodded slowly before asking him another question.

“How long do you think it would take for her to remember me if the technique does work?” He looked back to the ground, trying to hide his face.

“It all depends on Adian. Some patients take anywhere from the first couple of weeks to about a year but the unfortunate ones take years and years and some don’t fully recover their memory so it may be hard to say.” I nodded again taking in the information.

I felt the tears slowly running down my face as my mind went into shock. I raised my hand to hide my face and began to cry uncontrollably. The doctor just sighed and patiently stood there staring at his shoes probably getting used to the feeling of telling people bad news.

I continued to cry until there were no more tears to cry. I removed my hands and just stared at them as they shook a little.  The doctor came over and apologized before leaving the room. Moments later, Adian came into the room. I glanced up looking at her face. I tried to look her in her eyes but I was afraid I would cry again. She paused when she saw that I had been crying. She came over slowly and sat down on the bed next to me.

She took hold of my hand causing me to look into her brown eyes, getting lost and for a few seconds I thought everything was going to be fine.

“Hey. Shhhh. What’s wrong? Don’t cry.” She asked without breaking the eye contact. She soothed me for a while as I let lone tears flow down one by one. Suddenly, she released my hand only to bring it up to my face, using her thumb to wipe away the fallen tears.  I closed my eyes and savored the way her hands felt on my face. 

“Do you remember me Adian?” I asked softly. She furrowed her brows and looked away as she released my face. I yearned for her touch and I missed it already but I didn’t say anything. Adian seemed lost in thought for a few seconds before turning back to me and giving me a sad look. She slowly shook her head and said the words that will forever haunt my dreams.

 “Sorry. I don’t really remember you.”  She got up and took a seat on the chair next to the bed ashamed with herself. I followed her every move, feeling the pain take over again before I looked back at my hand, thinking to myself as the silence took over the whole room. The only sounds that rang in my ear were the machines I’m hooked up to. Why did this have to happen to us? We were so happy together. I couldn’t help thinking that maybe its fate. Maybe we aren’t meant to be together and this happening is just an indication of how it was always supposed to be. No! I will try and make it work between us. She has to be my soul mate, I felt it the first time we locked eyes. Feeling the sudden urge to never give up taking over me, I made a silent promise to myself to try until the day I die. It’s time I fought for my own happiness and there is no way in hell I am going to let Adian slip away from me.

Snapping out of my memory from a couple of days ago, I glanced back at Adian. We’ve improved since then. At least she lets me kiss her. I smiled to myself again feeling the slightest energy from my small victory. I will have her love me again. No. Matter. What.

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