Chapter 9: Adian's Past

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So, just a warning about this chapter. It's kind of really depressing but I hope you enjoy. =D


Chapter 9: Adian’s Past


Adian’s POV

I watched Kayle’s expression change. Who could possibly be on the phone? When Kayle quickly close the phone, she looked to me in horror. Now I was definitely worried. Kayle grabbed my hand in hers. “Sweetheart that was the witch on the phone.” My whole mind just went blank. No, it can’t be her. She’s been out of my life all these years. How did she find my number? I started to stare into space as the memory replayed itself.

“ADIAN! WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU BETTER GET YOUR FUCKEN ASS OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!” she yelled. I couldn’t help but flinched. Just the sound of her voice scared me. What am I going to do? I tried to stay as still as I possibly could. Then I heard her open the door to my room. Through the tiny crack of my closet door, I could see her. She was holding a bottle of Grey Goose vodka in one hand and a cigarette in the other. She looked around to see where I could possibly be. Then when she didn’t see me, she started to walk towards my bed and checked underneath it. When she saw that I wasn’t hiding under my bed she started to walk towards the closet. I held my breath trying not to make a single sound. My heart beat raced as she came closer and closer. Just as she was about to touch the door knob, she slipped on one of my toys and fell on her ass. The bottle of vodka broke and her cigarette was now on the floor, still lite. She grunted. “FUCK! YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!” and stumbled back onto her feet. I gulped and it felt as if it was so loud she could hear it through the door. I kept hoping she wouldn’t find me. Suddenly, the closet door swung wide open. Crap. She found me. She looked down at me and gave me an evil smile. “THERE YOU ARE! COME TO MOMMY!” I shuddered. I panicked and I tried to run past her but her hand caught me on my left leg and tripped me. I fell on my right arm and heard a loud crack. The pain was so over whelming I cried out in pain but that didn’t stop her. She started to drag me to the living room. I tried to grab a hold of something, anything but there was nothing. So I started to drag my nails across the wooden floor, trying to slow her down but this only made her even madder. I felt the hot tears escape my eyes and in a few seconds I was in the kitchen. What was she going to do to me this time? When she stopped dragging me, I tried to get up so I could run away but she stepped on my back. She then used ropes and tied my hands together.  I started to scream for help but it was useless. No one can hear me. I watched as she walked out of the kitchen and into the hall way. I took this chance to try and get my hands free but they were too tight. A minute later, she returned. I froze. She was holding a metal bat in her hand. She gave me that evil grin again as she started to walk towards me. I tried to squirm away into the corner of the counter. But there was no where I could go, no one to help me.

Someone was shaking me. Kayle? She shook me again, saying something now. “Adian! Adian!” She shook me again snapping me out of it. A tear started to roll down the side of my cheek. Then a wave of tears hit me causing me to cry. Kayle pulled me into her chest and rubbed my back. “Shh. Don’t cry. I’m here baby. Everything’s going to be ok.” Then she started to cry with me and we just held each other, crying.

Forever And Always (GirlxGirl)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ