Chapter 2: The Very Beginning

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Chapter 2: The Very Beginning

Six months ago

I had gotten to my math class 15 minutes early so I could see her. I sat at my usual seat, in the fifth row, fourth seat. I sat there as students started to fill the class room. I would look over at the door each time I heard it open and close but to my disappointment, it wasn’t her that walked through the door.

Finally after looking at the door about 15 times, it was finally her. My face lite up and I sat up straight as I examined her. She was wearing light blue tight jeans with a grey V- neck t-shirt. I couldn’t help but stare, she looked amazing in V-necks. She looked around the room and suddenly saw me staring and her eyes locked with mine. I felt my face starting to burn up and I looked away. I can’t do this she’s too pretty for you I thought. Then suddenly there was a tap on my left shoulder. I turned to see it was and my heart started beating even faster.

“H-hi” I stuttered as I looked into those beautiful big brown eyes. Feeling nervous again, I dropped my eyes to stare at the floor.

“Hi. I’m Kayle.” She said but I already knew that. “What’s your name?” she asked.

“I’m A-adian.” I said still looking down. Why couldn’t I speak properly? Why does she affect me so much? Be cool Adian, be cool. I tried my best to be calm but my heart was beating so loud, I was afraid she could hear. I took a deep breath and finally looked up.

“Nice to meet you, I’m pretty sure you’re in my English class too am I wrong?”

“Yeah, I sit three seats away from you.” I said surprised that she noticed me.  When I just about to say something else, our math teacher walks in and tells everyone to take their seats. Kayle walked to her usual seat which so happens to be right in front of me. Math class was definitely starting to be my favorite class.

I watched as she took out her notebook and a pencil. The teacher had already started his lesson but I was too distracted by the way Kayle’s hair smelled. It smelled like strawberry shampoo. I wanted to comb through her hair so bad but I restricted myself. I didn’t want to be a weirdo. I sighed a bit too loud and suddenly everyone’s eyes were on me. I blushed and was on full alert.

“Is there a problem, Adian?” Mr. Johnson said.

“N-no.” I said feeling nervous again because Kayle turned her head to look at me.

“Good. Now please don’t disturb the class.”

“Yes sir.”

Everyone turned back to their notebooks when Mr. Johnson started teaching again. As usual, I never pay attention in class. Instead I stare at my desk and day dream about things I shouldn’t be thinking about but I couldn’t help it. I can fantasize can’t I? I thought about Kayle and I going to the beach and just walking on the shore. I started doodling in my notebook and I found myself drawing two stick figures, only because I was terrible at drawing, holding hands while walking in the sun set. Suddenly, I hear someone tap their pencil on my desk. I knew exactly who it was because who else sat in front of me? Kayle had turned around to ask if I had gotten the notes from yesterday only to realize I was doodling. “Wow, you draw…. nice.” Thank goodness I didn’t draw Kayle and Adian forever on the top of my paper like I usually do.

“Thanks.” I whispered. If only she knew who I was drawing about.

“So, do you have yesterday’s notes?”

“Umm……” I didn’t know how  to answer because I never paid much attention  in class.

“Never mind.” She had turned back around before I could say anything. I felt a wave of disappointment wash over me. Dam it, I got her mad. What am  I going to do?

The bell rang signaling that class was over. I watched as Kayle got out of her seat and hand in her assignment before leaving class. Fuck, I had completely forgotten about the assignment. Mr. Johnson is not going to be happy about this. I got out of my seat and packed my bag, putting my notebook and my pen back into my bag. I tried to walk out of the class room as soon as I could but was stopped.

“Adian, aren’t you going to hand in your assignment? “

Dam it. I turned and gave him a smile. “Ummm, I forgot to do it” I said hoping he would let me slide.

“Well then we have to call your parents to inform them that you are now failing my class.”

Oh boy. My parents are definitely going to kick my ass tonight. “Nooooo. Can I hand it in next week?”

“That wouldn’t be fair for those who are handing in assignments on time now would it?”

Looking down I sighed. “No sir” I answered.

“I will make a deal with you” he said catching my attention.

“What kind of deal?”

“If you attend 10 Saturday tutor classes I will give you a passing grade.”

Dam, I had volunteer work with my best friend. She was definitely not going to be happy about this. I thought about the offer, not really having much of a choice. I didn’t want to get my ass kicked when I got home. So I said, “Where do I sign up?” trying to sound excited to be given this opportunity. He smiled and took out a piece of paper from the first drawer of his desk and had me sign it. There were about 15 people on the list. Wow, people actually WANTED to go to class on Saturdays. I scanned the list for anyone I would know and one name caught my attention. Kayle had signed up for this program too. Why? She was smart and she didn’t need the credits. I suddenly felt nervous and my hand was starting to shake as I signed my name. Just thinking about Kayle made me nervous, how am I going to get through these Saturdays?

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