Chapter 18: An Endless Self Battle

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Chapter 18: An Endless Self Battle

Kayle's POV

The pain in my stomach was really starting to kick in. It hurt so bad, tears started to stream down my face. I curled up into a ball trying to ease the pain a bit but suddenly I felt a toe jab into my left rib. I screamed out in pain again only for it to be muffled by the tape on my lips. More tears started to stream down my face. I rolled onto my other side and clutched my left rib.

I could feel one of the broken rib bones sticking out from underneath my skin. It was tender to the touch so I tried my best not to touch it. My eyes were getting glassy as the tears continued to fall like waterfall. I blinked them away so I could see what exactly is happening to the man who kicked me. He was bouncing on his left foot while holding onto his right. He had nothing on but socks and on the very tip of his right sock I could see a bit of blood. His big toe must have jabbed my ribs. No wonder it hurt so much.

I continued to watch him hop around like a bunny until he tripped on the other person's legs. He stumbled back a few more hops before he fell back. Then I heard a strange noise. It sounded like a cloth being ripped. Slowly around his stomach area, a sharp piece of broken metal slide through causing another ripping sound. Instantly, his beater was covered in blood. I glanced from him to his sister. She ran over to him and took a hold of his hand. I could no longer see the man because the woman was now blocking me. Her back was now facing me so I took this chance to try and escape.

I used the strength that I had left to lift myself up only to collapse on the ground again. I tried once more with a bit more success. I drew all my strength and got on my knees. I got into a crawling position and started crawling to the other person who was only a few inches away from me. I tried to wake him/her up by shoving them a bit but they wouldn't wake up so I held my weight on my left arm and used my right hand to pull the sack off of the person's head. It all came to me in slow motion.

I pulled the sack off the person's face. It went up a little as it reached the person's neck. Next it went up to the person's mouth exposing his/her brown hair which was around shoulder length. I continued to pull it off and when it reached the person's eyes, I looked at her in horror. It was Adian.

I felt hot tears roll down my face again as I looked at her face. She was unconscious and there was dried up blood trailing from her forehead to the bottom of her chin. I choked on my tears and felt the pain in my stomach and ribs again. No! I took my arm and poked her but she still wouldn't move so I put both of my hands on her shoulder and shook her. "Wake up Adian please!" I yelled but no sound came out. It was muffled due to the tape. Knowing how pointless my screams were, I put my ear to her chest and listened. I could hear her faded heartbeat. She's still breathing! I put my hands around her shoulders again to shake her again but a set of hands grabbed my shoulders causing me to lose my grip. The nails were digging into my shoulder causing me to flinch away from their touch but they stayed in place, digging deeper into my skin.

Adian's POV

As I started to gain consciousness, a wave of pain washed over me. My head started throbbing. I could faintly hear someone screaming but who? Then, I felt someone or something poke me but I couldn't move. My body wasn't listening to me as I continued to just lay there. I wanted to open my eyes to see who it was or move my arms but I couldn't. So I declared war with my brain for control over my body when suddenly someone's hands grasped my shoulder and shook me.

This caused the battle with my brain intensify as I felt someone rest against my chest. It laid there for a while but it was withdrawn as I felt those same hands come around my shoulders once again but this time with a tighter grip. I continued to fight with my brain to open my eyes as the tight grip turned into a light touch. The touch got lighter by the minute until there was nothing there anymore.

I still couldn't move after two minutes of fighting with myself but I could hear everything that was happening. The muffled screams of pain and the sounds of pounding were starting to invade my hearing and all I could do was listen, listen to the tortures that were going on around me.

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