Chapter 23: Reliving Those Feelings Again

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Chapter 23: Reliving Those Feelings Again

Adian's POV

I step foot outside of my house and glance around. It's snowing. The snowflakes are beginning to fall quicker and quicker. I wrap my arms around myself, inhaling a deep breath before exhaling as I watch a white puff of air appear in front of me then disappearing. I continue to watch the snow fall from the sky and onto the road. At first it would melt away but after a few more flakes it became more noticeable.

Suddenly a large gust of wind picks up, causing the snow to land on my feet. I glance down to see myself wearing flip flops. Why am I wearing flip flops? I turn around and came face to face with a big white door. This isn't my house. Why am I standing here?

I place my left hand on the door knob feeling the icy metal against my bare finger which started to send shivers down my spine. I turn the door knob only for it to be locked. I try again but it wouldn't budge. I shook and pulled on the door knob trying to open it. I need to be inside. I'm freezing, well my toes are freezing. I wiggled them once in a while to make sure they weren't frozen like a Popsicle.

After a couple more tries, I lost hope. I figured I would try to break the window and climb in. I released my right hand which was covering my left hand and pulled my left hand away. The only thing is it's stuck like someone had put crazy glue on each finger. Great! I try again, pulling my hand from the doorknob. This can't be happening!

I turn around trying to see if there could be someone that could help me. The snow is no longer falling but there is nothing but snow. There aren't any more houses around me nor are there streets or cars. What's going on?

Suddenly, I hear a low whisper. "Adian..... Adian....." I glance around feeling my heart beginning to race again. There is no one around me but I hear voices. Am I going crazy?

"Adian..... Can you hear me?" The voice continued to say. I glance around once more before my eyes landed on an angelic figure. My hand is still stuck. I start to panic which causes me to think like an idiot. I turn back to the door knob and lower my head. I begin to blow on my hand and the door knob hoping it would work.

"Adian..... Adian...." The voice repeated over and over again. The sound sounding much louder than the faint whisper I heard a few seconds ago causes me to blow harder.

Suddenly I feel firm grasps on my shoulders started to jerk me back and forth. "Adian! Adian!" The voice yelled. I turn my head around and came face to face with a faceless person. It's left hand left my shoulder only to touch my face. It started to stroke it's knuckles along my cheek until my jaw line. Then it lightly patted my check.

"Wake up Adain. Wake up" it said. Wake up?

I jerk up hitting my head on something causing pain to invade my forehead. I closed my eyes to sooth the pain before putting my hand on my head, slightly rubbing it. There was a moan in front of me causing me to open my eyes. I came face to face with a pair of light brown eyes. Well one brown eye, the other is swollen with a cut under it. My heart started to hammer into my chest while my stomach started flipping pancakes. My palms begin to clam up. Why am I nervous?

She had her hand on her head just like I do before our eyes met. Her hand dropped to her side as her pained expression faded quickly, being replaced by a much softer look. I don't know what her expression really means but she looks kind of relieved. She reached her hand up and started to caress my cheek. Almost automatically, I leaned into her hand closing my eyes. I felt how soft her hands were as she continued to caress my cheek.

Suddenly, her lips were on mine causing tingles to invade my body. It was a light kiss but a passionate one. I raised my arms and wrapped them around her waist pulling her closer to me. I don't know why I did that but it felt right. She licked my lips and I let her in. Her tongue swirled around mine causing a low moan to erupt from my throat. Her tongue stopped swirling around mine only to run it along the inner walls of my mouth, exploring. I felt a slight tug on my hair only to realize her hand was running through it. I have no idea what I am doing but almost like my body was moving on its own, I ran my hand up and down her back causing her to shiver under my touch.

She moaned before withdrawing her mouth from mine and made her way to my neck. She started to lick a pathway down from my jaw line to the base of my collar bone. I was trying to catch my breath only to hold it again. I tried to muffle my moan by biting my lip. Her tongue first went down only to slowly come back up.

Everything she was doing caused more tingles to go through my body as I tilted my head allowing her more access. She continued her sweet torture as she lightly pushed me onto the bed. Instead of licking, she started to place light kisses down my neck causing another moan to escape my closed lips. She took the moan as a sign and bit the spot causing a light pain only to be replaced by a new wave of pleasure.

She drew back causing me to open my eyes. I looked at her face seeing a huge smile which showed off her straight white teeth. I blushed thinking to myself how perfect her smile is which caused confusion to take over my mind. Is it wrong to feel this way about her or am I allowed to feel this way? Her smile grew bigger. I looked down her body. She's wearing a black V-neck which caused my eyes to go wide as I stared at her breast. I felt myself drool a little. I quickly snapped out of it and continued to travel down her body until I reached her legs. She had on a pair of dark skinny jeans and each leg was on each side of my waist as she straddled me. I blushed even harder and leaned my head back. I don't even know this girl but it felt so right to just be here with her. I put an arm over my eyes as I continued to try my best to figure out who she to me and why she makes me feel this way.

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