Chapter 15: A Sudden Turn of Events

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This chapter is quite long but I hope you enjoy it =D


Chapter 15: A Sudden Turn of Events

Adian’s POV

I glanced around me and noticed how deserted this place was. Then my eyes landed on an empty warehouse in front of me. That must be where they’re keeping Kayle. I gave my surroundings a second glance before I started walking towards the abandoned place. The whole sense gave me a horrible feeling in my gut. I had the feeling of turning around and running back into the safety of my car but I couldn’t do that. I have to save Kayle, I have to! She was here because of me. My crazy mother had kidnapped her to make my life a living hell once again. Well I’m not sure if it was my mother who did it but I had a feeling it would be her. Who else could it be if not her? I continued to walk down a gravel road until I reached two huge, wooden doors. I inhaled a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm myself from my own nerves and it worked but only for a few seconds. I was starting to get anxious again. The whole place screams creepy. Suddenly, I heard a twig crunch behind me. I turned around as quickly as I could to see who would be behind me but before I could get a chance to see who it was, something was put over my head and I saw nothing but darkness. I tried to get the thing off my head but there was a strong set of hands holding it down. I tried clawing at the hands but it did no good. Then I hear a loud bang. That was when I felt the pain hit me. There was pain on the right side of my head and it took me a while to register that I had just been hit. Suddenly, my hands stop clawing at the strong hands and fell to the floor as the darkness took over my entire mind.

Six Hours Earlier

I opened the car door and hopped into car. I glanced over at Kayle to see if she was still mad. She was still glaring at Helen through the wind shield, not hiding the anger in her face. I sighed and placed my hand on top of hers but she pulled away. She held that same glare as she glanced over to me.

“Why would you give her a chance like that?” she was definitely not happy with me.

“I wanted to see why she came back.” I told her, pleading her to understand.

“And why did she come back”

“She…” I began but my lips started trembling and a random tear fell from my eye. I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I let it all out, the pain, the horror I felt. All of it. I let it all go as I placed my hand over my face and started to cry uncontrollably. Kayle instantly wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her chest. She comforted me, rubbing my back and telling me to hush and how everything was going to be ok but I knew it wasn’t going to be ok. Nothing is going to be ok because this is only the beginning.

Kayle’s POV

I rubbed Adian’s back trying to comfort her. She has never cried so hard before. What did Helen say to her to make her so terrified all of a sudden? I didn’t want to push Adian for anymore answers so I let the topic go as she continued to cry into my chest causing a damp part on my shirt.

After ten minutes of crying, Adian finally stopped. I hear her sniff and use the back of her hand once last time to wipe away the remaining tears that fell from her beautiful eyes. It breaks my heart to see her like this. I kissed the top of her head before she pulled away from my chest and sat back straight in her seat. She didn’t turn to look at me. She just turned to look out of the window, looking at nothing. I frowned and decided to start the car and head home.

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