86. The Showcase

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Stealing doesn't feel so good. It's like there's an heavy weight in your chest and the object you stole is the heaviest thing on your body. You're paranoid, you can't stop looking back to see if someone can tell you're doing something wrong. In my case, it doesn't even make any sense because it's only a tape. I take a deep breath and try to ignore the feeling gnawing at my chest. I only have to find a way to play the tape. Maybe I'll ask Jacques when i see him. Outside the hospital, i glance around. I haven't seen him since i left Jeanne's office. I wonder where he is.

I push my hands into the pockets of my jackets. The sides slightly graze my wrist. I'll have to ask Jeanne when i can take the plasters off completely because they're getting itchy. I walk towards the house. My stomach rumbles. I'm hungry but i don't think i want to eat right now. I just want to find out the whole truth and know for sure.

"Hey Jonah?", a voice says and i turn around to see who it is.

Suri waves at me, a bright grin on her face. She's dressed in the same sports wear she was wearing at the basketball court the other day with a black hooded jacket over it and her sleek hair is pulled to the back. She's really pretty. I didn't notice before.

I raise one brow, "yeah?"

As she walks towards me, her sneakers squeak on the ground.

"Hi", she says, "i know it's weird to come up to you like this. I wanted to ask for a favour"

I cock my head at her, "you ask people you don't really know for favours?"

She seems taken aback by my question, "uhm- i...", she stutters, "- i just wanted to talk to you about the showcase"

I frown, "what is a showcase?"

"Well, it's-", she's still surprised, "it's this thing"

"I'm sorry i asked that", i sigh and run my fingers through my hair, "i'm just a little exhausted"

She smiles, "that's fine", she waves her hand, "i know what that feels like"

"Yeah", i nod, "so what's the showcase?"

She clasps her hands together, "yes, the showcase is a little event the institute organizes at the end of every summer. The kids have the chance to showcase everything they've done over the summer", she explains, "right now, they're taking weaving, art and a bunch of other classes for this. A lot of outside people attend too. Some of the kids get adopted"

Baby Lauren has an art class. Does this mean there's a possibility she might get adopted?

"Oh", i scratch the back of my head, "so what am i supposed to do?"

"I just want you to join the commitee in charge", she gestures, "help plan, give the kids some space to do their thing. You'll also be in charge of a group of kids"

"Why me?"

"I noticed how quickly you got through to Lauren the other day", she says, "i believe you're good with kids and that's exactly what we need"

I'm not good with kids. I'm good with baby Lauren and i don't even know what she sees in me- but i don't mention that part.

"Well, okay", i shrug.

"Really?", she asks in a surprising tone. I'm guessing she didn't expect my answer.

"Yeah?", i raise one brow.

She beams, "that's great", she says, "the first meeting is tomorrow in the evening in the room where the kids play their instruments"

I don't know where that is.

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