31. Francis Leaves

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Hailee hugs Francis tightly and groans into his chest. "I'm going to miss you, you unfriendly bear".

Francis grins, ruffling her hair as he does, "I'm going to miss you too Hailee baby", he turns to me, "I'm definitely going to come see you guys soon again. I might even bring Michelle"

He sounds so excited, it's still weird for me to see. I have to admit it would be nice to see the girl who has my cousin so whipped.

I wonder if I'm the same way to others when it comes to Brooke.

I hear voices from outside the house and I recognize her voice immediately. My jaw clenches as I walk towards the door and open it. Brooke is outside, her lips curved into a genuine smile as she stares at my father. The sound of the door closing shut alerts him and his gaze flickers to mine. The smile on his face disappears and he presses his lips into a thin line.

"Well, it was nice meeting you officially Brooke", his turns to her with a small smile and she nods.

"It was nice meeting you too Mr. Locke", she says before turning to face me. The smile on her face wavers. She can tell something is wrong.

From behind me, Hailee and Francis walk out.

"Hey cute Brooke!", Francis says loudly, going past me towards the lawn where he and Brooke embrace each other. I don't think I ever made my opinions about that disgusting nickname he gave her known.

"I heard you were leaving today so I came to say bye", Brooke grins at me.

Hailee stands next to me and we watch the two talk, "she was talking to your dad, I see"

I nod once, "yes"

"How uncomfortable does that make you feel?"

"Very", I say, "I should talk to her about it"

"She'll ask questions"

"I won't give her answers", I shrug.

"But you want answers when it comes to her problems with her family?", she turns to face me, one dark brow raised.

Before I can reply, Francis and Brooke walk towards where Hailee and I are standing on the front porch. I notice the jacket Brooke is wearing is mine. She looks tiny in it.

"I'll be going now", Francis says beaming at us. He gives one final hug to Hailee, whispering something to her as he does. He turns to me and we hug each other briefly before he releases me.

"Take care of yourself bro, I mean it", he says and I nod.

He turns to face Brooke and grins at her, "it was very nice getting to know you ma'am", he says in a formal tone and she chuckles. "Take care of my crazy cousin here"

"I will", Brooke says and for a moment, she glances at me, her eyes lighting up. She beams and reaches to hold my hand.

Francis leaves us and walks slowly towards my dad who packs his bags into the trunk of the car in front of the house.


The noise coming from the TV downstairs is loud and deafening just as Hailee likes it. Brooke looks around my room as if it's another planet.

"What are you doing?", I ask.

"I'm just wondering what goes on in here", she says as she sits on the bed, directly opposite where I sit on the chair behind the desk. Her hands rub my sheets slowly.

"Honestly?", I ask and she nods. "Well, I sleep here. I dress here..."

"That's not what I mean Jonah", she giggles.

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