15. Boy With Blue Stripes

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"Hey so Mom called", I casually say as I drop my bag on the kitchen counter and prop myself on a stool. Blake is sitting across from me. He pauses, staring briefly into the bowl of cereal he is currently having for breakfast.

"When?", He asks, without looking up at me.

"Last night"

"Did you two talk?"



He resumes his eating and I do nothing but watch him. I have half an hour left before school.

He looks up at me and arches an eyebrow, "aren't you going to eat something?"

"I'm not hungry"


I shrug, "nothing"

He sighs deeply and drops his spoon. "Is it about mom?", he asks, studying my face.

I shake my head, "no, not really"

"Okay then", he grabs his spoon.

I take out my phone from my bag and place both my elbows on the counter, turning it on. I purse my lips as I scroll through my unread texts. A couple of them are from people at my old school. I feel bad for not replying but I've been so busy settling here that I find it hard.

Mandy sent a text at 5am this morning. I wonder she was doing up so early but I'd rather not dwell any assumptions at all. She wants to know how last night with Jonah and Hailee went. It went well in my opinion. I'm still alive so that's a good thing.

I decide to wait until I see her at school before giving her any information about the whole thing. It would be fun to play with her curiosity.

I tap on Jonah's name and stare at the 'Read' receipt under my last message. I wonder if he's ignoring me or if he just simply got bored after last night's short conversation. I'm not the best texter but we didn't even talk about anything much besides how much my movie taste sucks and then he asked about what my music preferences were.

I decide not to think too much about Jonah not replying and focus my attention on my older brother who is now clearing up his empty plate.

"You sure you don't want to eat anything?", He asks as he drops the plate in the kitchen sink. I'll have to wash that after school.

"No, I'm good", I give him a small smile.

"Okay, let me go dress up and we'll leave"

I nod and my eyes follow him as he walks out of the kitchen area, towards his room.


"Oh, come on Brooke, don't be a gossip hoarder", Mandy says as we walk along the school hallway.

"A gossip what?", I ask, turning to face her.

"A gossip hoarder", she waves her hand.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

She scoffs and I see Carmen walking up to us. She looks tired.

"Hey guys, what's up?", She says flatly.

Mandy points accusingly at me, "Brooke here is holding back juicy details about last night from me"

Carmen's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she turns to me. She takes in my appearance. "Hey Brooke, nice jeans"

"Thank you", I say smiling at her.

"What's wrong?", Mandy asks Carmen, "you look like you've been in a fight with rabbits"

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