Kim Namjoon

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You took a long bath and arranged your stuff since you are going to live here. Jin was right, you have enough space for yourself that you don't need to meet the boys. You were lurking in the kitchen for food when you heard a faint knock. You went to open the door.

"Let's eat." You heard and found yourself dragged to the dining room. You saw the hands holding your hands were gentle but firm and long. You saw Taehyung pacing a little faster making you run a little to catch up with him.

When you reached the dining room he left you and took his seat next to Jimin. You looked at the table which was filled with food and then you took the first empty chair between Namjoon and Yoongi.

We waited for Jin and Jungkook to join the table and soon everyone digs in. You didn't realize that you were hungry until you took the first bite. It was delicious and nostalgic as you remembered the taste. You knew exactly who made it. You can always find the difference between the dishes made by Yoongi and Jin.

Nobody spoke and you sensed an uneasiness so you quickly nudged Yoongi to speak. He smiled and nodded.

"So how was the day?" Yoongi asked in a monotone. You should not have asked him you quickly thought with the bland reaction.

"We have a schedule that came up in the email if you guys noticed." Said Namjoon with a serious tone soon catching the hint. "I believe we need to make some adjustments and you guys can update the details."

"Sure Namjoonah." Said Jin. You were relieved that attention was shifted and they are talking about work when suddenly Jin brought you back to the spotlight. "When are you going for the interview?" Jin looked at you.

"I will have to email them and will be discussing the details. Then will see" You told Jin who nodded.

"Where are you exactly giving the interview?" Jimin asked out of curiosity.

"I won't tell you till I get the job."

"Oh, are you saving yourself from the embarrassment of not getting in?" Teased Hobi with a laugh.

"Yes. But I guess that is okay."

"Then tell us the name?" Jungkook asked again

"Just a small firm."

"A small firm will not hire someone who was overseas," Tae replied.

Namjoon smiled at Taehyung and you desperately wanted to get out of the conversation so you tried to change the topic.

"Whatever, so who of you are committed or seeing someone?" You asked teasing them.

The room went silent and they all started laughing.

Hobi replied, "I have an eye on a girl for ages but haven't had the guts to confessed." Hobi was always happy and smiling. You wondered why haven't told this mystery woman about his feelings but since you just arrived, will have plenty of time to know why. You thought of a quick answer that could comfort him.

"If it had been ages then maybe you should." You smiled but Hobi sighed. You didn't ask anything further and looked at Jimin who was sitting next to Hobi. Jimin took the clue

"My girl is a cutie, lovely, sexy like me but I guess she doesn't know it and telling her that is... I don't know, never had the right time," said Jimin. You wondered what happened to the confident boys you once knew but then didn't say anything just nodded. Assuring him that he will find the right time. You looked at Taehyung next.

"I'll soon confess," Taehyung replied. Your eyes brightened up with happiness with his reply.

"Wow. Big step Taehyungie." You smiled and he nodded looking at others who smiled and nodded too.

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