Day 2

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You woke up after a few hours of good rest and got ready for work. You made some toast and were happy that you were done with the presentation. Talking to Namjoon helped a lot. Taehyung seemed a little off yesterday. Maybe if you get some time, you thought you'll ask him if something was bothering him. You also wondered why he asked about Prince Harry. Is he going to meet him? You then remembered how caring Jungkook had been towards you yesterday. You smiled while entering your work. Hoping for a good day.

"Miss Park, your presentation seemed okay for a beginner. We have a meeting at 11 AM. We would want our marketing manager to be part of that meeting." Kim Jun Hoo said as soon as he entered as you were about to sit to start working.

"Oh, okay." You said hurriedly with a bow and sat down in dismay. He said your work was a beginner level. You got to put in more effort, but you hardly took a break. You give your all. Why is he so cold towards you? Did you do something to annoy him? Maybe the work was not up to the mark. You have to work even harder. You have to prove yourself.

You opened your emails and replied to most of it and moved it and delegated a few roles since you would be going for the meeting.

You hurriedly ran towards the conference room when you got a reminder at 10:55 AM. You succeeded in not crashing on anyone or anything. When you entered the room, it was already full of people and took your seat next to Kim Jun Hoo, who didn't even bother to look at you.

They were trying to release an album in November of next year, for which the PR presentation was taken to find the best course of execution. The meeting took ages to get over, and you were about to think to get lunch when your senior manager called you at his office. You ran as soon as you got the call to his office.

"May I come in?"

"No need. I just wanted to tell you that you can send the minutes of the meeting with all the agenda by EOD. Thanks." He said and gestured to go.

You bowed and closed the door. "He could have said that on the call, or he could have emailed me. What a jerk?! as if I were his secretary. I was hired as a marketing manager. I still hold the same position." You kept muttering to yourself till you reach your desk to find a lunch box on your desk with a note." Do not forget to have your lunch. I prepared something for you. - Jinnie"

You smiled at the note. Stuck to that note was another note which said, "I helped." You laughed at it, knowing that it must be Jungkook.

You took your lunch box out and found a quiet place to have your lunch. You savoured every bit of it and thanked Jin and Jungkook for making it. You thanked all 7 of them for being there for you and taking care of you. You know that it is selfish that you are relying on them a little too much. You know that they don't mind, but they are too kind and too sweet. You were in your inner turmoil when your phone rang.

JACKSON calling 📞


Hey, watchadoin'?

Just finished my lunch. You?

Nothing much. Just missing you.

Aww. You are bored, aren't you?

Hey, I called because I was thinking about you.

Hmm... okay. My work is going well.

That was not what I was thinking.


I was thinking that did I give up too easily?

Jackson, we already went over this.

I know, I know. My mind can't help thinking, what am I supposed to do?

And I thought you'd be worried about my work

You are good at it. I have no worry regarding it.


You expect too much out of me. I am a beginner as per my boss.

They need to see how talented you are

It's okay. I'll prove it.

I know. I miss you.

We met two days ago.

Can't I miss my friend?

Yeah... I know. I got to go. Take care, Jackson. You are an amazing friend.

I know. Bye for now.

You felt good after the conversation with Jackson. Your inner turmoil came to a rest when you thought that you would prepare something for them for being this sweet to you. Before you could think about what you would prepare, one of your colleagues called you to hurry back as Kim Jun Hoo was looking for you. You mentally cursed. "What does he want?" You thought and hurried to your desk, finding yourself with the email and the next task. You hardly had time to complete the minutes. You pushed aside your thoughts and started typing the minutes, taking into account that whatever you could recall was important and what the decision was.

You smiled at yourself when you finished your task and sent the email. The next task that was assigned after lunch was picked up by you, and you were too consumed in it when you saw someone placed a cup of iced coffee in front of you. You looked at the person to find Kim Jun Hoo giving you a twitch at the curve of the lips. Was that a smile you wondered.

"How is the work going?"

"It's g-g-good." Did you just stammer. You looked at Kim Jun Hoo and somehow realized that he is really good-looking with his suit and the glimmering eyes, and with the close proximity, you felt your heart racing and you cheeks warm. You could not say anything further but to stare.

"Great. You can leave on time today. If you want, I can drop you home?"

"Thank you, but I don't want to be a trouble."

"It's no trouble. Kim Namjoon instructed me to take care of you."

"Oh!" You couldn't help but wondered that the sudden niceness was because of what Joon told him. You added, "I still insist on going on my own."

"Okay, good." There was a sudden change in his demeaner, and now he again looked cold. "Hope you will be on time tomorrow and continue for what is left. Your presentation was good. Take care." He spoke swiftly and hurried to his office.

You felt strange, but you caught yourself beaming. Kim Jun Hoo's opinion mattered to you, and now you feel so happy. You were thinking that he is good looking and thus sat down to work and left office on time but made sure to take a glance at the Jun Hoo's office to see him buried under paper works, seems like he was reviewing them. You wanted to ask if he needed help but then thought against it. You were so star struck by the beauty of the man that you need to peal yourself away to walk in the opposite direction but once out of site you rushed home hasppily and thought of making Makguksu for your boys and you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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