Big Hit Exclusive

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You covered your face with a mask and walked out with your packed bag when a Range Rover stood in front of you, and Jackson asked you to hop in.

You nodded as before you told him about your living situation, and he suggested locking the door permanently to block you from the boys.

You smiled then, but now you are seriously considering it, but you do want to see them. When you reached the place, you opened the door and asked Jackson to make himself at home. He straight went to the kitchen and started making coffee for himself and for you while you turned on the tele.

"Woh!" You exclaimed.

News : Breaking News. Park Empire's sole owner, Mr. Park Hae-Heon calls BTS for an official breakfast. Is there a collaboration coming up between the two biggest corporations in Korea? Mrs. Park Ji Woo was out of sight. Their family friend Mr. Ruiji Wang with son Mr. Jackson Wang was said to be also present for this meeting. No more details were let out to the media. Everyone is waiting for an official announcement to see what these corporations are up to. Up Next. Why the..

"When it comes to BTS, it is always big." said Jackson, handing you your coffee, turning off the TV, and taking a seat at the nearby chair. While you sat on your bed smiling.

"This is good. The media is off my back. Thanks to you all. Now, I need to peacefully look at my emails and check what Jinnie was talking about." You sang.

You turned on your laptop that was gifted by Jimin and checked your emails, and there was one more email at 7:45 AM from Big Hit.

You quickly opened to see that it was an acceptance letter with the contract attached.

"I am accepted as the Marketing Manager in Big Hit without any interview. How?" You asked yourself doubting it.

"Oh, it must be Bangtan. They must have asked the company to hire you immediately as they, too, have shares in Big Hit. Plus, you have the talent. Your portfolio is quite strong. Big Hit is known for taking risks. They have an eye for talent." Jackson explained casually as if nothing major happened.

"Jackson, I got a job that pays well and all thanks to my boys. They saved me again." You whispered

"You are exaggerating. I have my own company if you want you can join mine. I'll double your pay." Jackson huffed.

"Thank you, but I'll see how this goes." You smiled and looked back at the contract letter.

"So when are you going to join?"

"Tomorrow at 9."

"All the best."

"Thanks. I need to prove myself."

"I know you will Ace it. Don't overthink. I'll get going then. I'm sure you need to prepare for your big day." Jackson ruffled up your hair again.

"Hey, stop doing that." You pushed him away while laughing.

"Take care, Sojimi. See you soon. I love you."

"You too take care, Jackson. See you." You smiled miserably as you couldn't revert to him now that you understood that those love yous were more romantic than friendly. He left waving at you, and you locked the door.

You dressed yourself comfortably after a long shower and thought of cooking something when you heard a knock at the door and you know it's one of the boys. You can't face them, but they have been really helping her from the moment you stepped into this country. You need to be grateful that you have someone. You have 7 of them.

You opened up the door to see Yoongi, which was rare. He usually never visits anyone nor entertains an intruder.

"May I?" He asked politely, and you nodded. He came in and placed the casserole at the kitchen counter and took the seat that Jackson emptied a few hours ago.

"Made some cold noodles, thought you'd be hungry."

"Thank you."

"Sojimi, how are you?"

"Good. Thanks to you guys."

"Good. That's all we want. You to be good."

You nodded, feeling guilty of what you you have done.

"We were so worried about you. None of us had shut eyes that day, not that we are not used to it, but we were so hurt. All of us were blaming ourselves for you running away. Jungkookie was crying. Namjoon was angry, and he is still a little mad at you, so I recommend you to stay clear of him for a while. Next time, talk before you act up."

"I am really really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you guys."

"But you did."

You couldn't say anything as you felt bad. You wanted to cry, but you held it in.

"You won't be able to see us for a while as all of us have immersed ourselves in work, I believe all of us have taken up too much work to stay away from our emotions."

"I am so sorry. I will not join Big Hit."

"Don't let our requests go to waste. You already are good with your work, you are professional and most of all you need the job so join."

"I have never been loved like this."

"That's what you think. You have always been loved like this. You know what is strange? All 7 of us fell in love with you."

"All of you?"

"It is overwhelming, and your decision would be our answer, but let us down carefully. That's all I have to say. We love you too much to hurt you, but in the process we did and we feel bad. Hope you feel free. Right now, focus on work. All the best." Yoongi slowly gets up and makes his way towards the door.


"I have music to prepare."

You nodded as you could not say anything but looked at the kitchen counter and turned to say thanks, but Yoongi left.

Your heart broke, and you cried, but all you wanted was them to be happy. You now again regret visiting home, but then you remembered your passion and stood up and ate the noodles right from the casserole, still sobbing, but you had to eat as tomorrow is the big day, you need to prove to everyone that you have the talent and that you are worth it.

You ate up, cleaned the kitchen, and drank milk before sleeping. Tomorrow is the day, and before you knew your sobbing eyes slowly drifted to sleep.

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