Min Yoongi

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You were busy planning to head back, arranging the documentation and finally taking out your little savings wishing for it to help you sustain for a month or two. You wanted to make your heart at ease but couldn't as you think of facing Jin. You never discussed about the last time they met and you do not want to get awkward in front of your best friend.

You were not even sure if he replied or chose to ignore it. You went to the library hoping for a reply and you danced at the reply. It was short but you know you can trust him with your life. You emailed with your date and time of arrival and you packed your bags for Seoul.

You were all set for your 4 hours and 30 minutes journey. You were scared of moving, you were set and moving back to Seoul means it will make you render alone without any support and if people got to know about your return, it will be a chaos which you want to avoid as much as possible.

You landed with a heavy heart but you wanted to be there. It took you another 1 hour to get out of the airport and you saw the boys you once knew all over the place. You were happy for them, they worked early hard for it and they deserve the best, the world apparently but sad that you haven't achieved anywhere near them. Maybe calling Jin was a bad idea. Maybe he will not pick you up given the status, traveling would be tough and seen in public would be the hardest part.

You started dragging your luggage across the pavement when you saw a guy in a huge overcoat and a mask with a board with your name on it. You checked twice but it was your name. You had a choice here. Either to get in the car with the unknown man or to cross him like it wasn't your name at all but where would you go if you walk past him. You had no proper phone with an internet. You know Seoul and you can't get lost but you haven't seen Jin for ages. You stopped for a second and chose to get in the car.

"Hi, Are you waiting for me?" You asked politely.

The man just gestured you to get inside the car. You did as asked and your luggage was taken care of by the masked man. It was all quite inside. You were trying to find a good way to speak but couldn't. You watch the locality you chose was about to come so you got ready to get down but you drove past it.

"I think you forgot to turn, my house is the other way." You spoke calmly.

"Mr Kim SeokJin advised to bring you straight to his place." Said the masked man quietly.

You gave a nod and looked outside the closed window. The view from the darker glass triggered a childhood memory.


"I really hate school and why do I have to go in a car? Can't I ride a bicycle? Most of my friends ride those?!" You whined in front of your father.

"It's for your own good." Said the man submerged behind his daily magazine.

You sat crossed in the car. When your car got to the school, you got down and rushed in. It was your desperate attempt to disassociate yourself from the car and the man. While running in you saw two kids of your class bullying a tiny, skinny, pale kid. You pushed the boys and stood in front of the tiny kid.

"Don't!" You said.

The boys look at you and were about to say something but thought against it. They walked away and you shouted.

"I don't want to see you guys bullying him again!" 

You smiled at the kid. He got up with a sweet smile.


"My name is Park SoJimi" you said brightly.

"Min Yoongi" smiled back.

He was a quite kid and didn't spoke much. You both mostly smiled at each other just to acknowledge each other and with Jin by your side, Yoongi hardly came to talk to you then one day you introduced Jin and Yoongi and they got along really well. Yoongi then made few more friends named Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon. Without even realizing your group got bigger.

One day when your driver came to pick you up, you hurriedly got in the car and told to drive off. You were driving through the alley when you saw few guys pushing Yoongi down and beating him up. You asked your driver to stop the car but he didn't and drove away. You could see the way Yoongi looked at the car in hopes of getting saved. You know he can't see your face from outside but you could see him looking at the window in the hope of help but you didn't help him. Your driver didn't stop. You cried your eyes out that day. You were about to apologise the other day but the guys were happily clinging at smiling Yoongi. Maybe they came to his rescue, maybe they weren't a coward like you were. You buried down the guilt and never spoke of it but you gave Yoongi a hug just to make sure he was okay. He hugged you back, you wanted to keep hugging him for long but when you sensed the other guys were getting uncomfortable so you broke off and continued chatting about life. It was a relief.


"You have arrived your destination Miss" said the man who drove you from the airport.

"Thank you." You got down and your luggage was placed in front of this magnificent castle like house. Maybe it was a mistake, you were about to turn and walk away when you heard someone call out.


You looked at the direction you heard your name from. There stood a smiling young guy excited to see you. You just smiled awkwardly and waved.

"Hi Hobi"

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