
"please don't leave us, sora-san!!"

"hahahaha! look at you guys full of snot!"


"it is the end yeah?" kageyama said, not really hoping an answer from sorashi.

they are currently sitting beside each other on the bus, on their way home to miyagi.

sora didn't answer for a moment, he left the conversation cold and silent. he then inhaled a sharp breathe before exhaled it gently.

"for now, yes." he quietly laughed. "but for tomorrow, it's only the beginning."

kageyama knows that sora will continue his volleyball career. he has heard it from the late phone call between iwaizumi-san and the middle blocker at one night.

he didn't mean to eavesdropping but the conversation was at that point where sora talked about his future.

kageyama was up for bathroom's call but when he walked out, he heard sora's sound talking one sidedly. he thought that sora has gone mad because of his friendship with oikawa-san. but it turned out that sora is on the phone with iwaizumi.

he wasn't planning to hear their conversation, but that cold night, sora's words caught kageyama's interest.

"yes, i am going out of the country, but i haven't really decided yet on what will i really do."

so it is confirmed that sora will go to foreign country. that is not surprising.

but kageyama lowkey wanted to play on v league along with sorashi. and even atsumu requested to play with sora.

will sora abandon his kawaii juniors request?

kageyama shook the thought from his head. he will only hope for the best from now on. maybe sora will have a change of heart later but for now, he just wanted to bask in sorashi's presence.

"comfortable?" sora's voice snapped out kageyama from his daydream.

kageyama subsconsciously leaned and even nuzzled into sorashi's side. this made the setter's cheeks red in embarassment upon realizing that he himself, hugging his forever crush.

okay maybe it's not a crush. but iwaizumi-san said it is a crush, even shimizu-senpai said so.

*cue kiyoko doing her cute peace pose*

whatever that feeling is, kageyama just wanted to relish the feelings of being validated by his clearly awesome senpai.

and sorashi here brother-zoned kageyama. poor kageyama season 4.



"don't make shoyo cry again, yeah?"

"hah? what do you mean?"

sorashi sighed. "he cried when you said that you wouldn't toss to him anymore. he even asked me how to beg to you to toss for him again."

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