Hurtful words

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After Jade stopped crying, she sat up and avoided looking at me. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked and rubbed her back. She nodded quickly, wiped her eyes and stood up. "What do you want for breakfast?" She asked and turned around to look at me. She looked so sad. "What's happened?" I asked, standing up too. "It's not important, what do you want for breakfast?" She asked, spite in her voice. "Jade you can't say it's not important when you've just broken down crying." I said to her with the same tone. "I can say what I want," she replied, sadly. "Fine, I'll ask Leigh then," I scoffed and pulled out my phone. "No! No don't do that please Perrie," she cried, reaching for me. "Talk to me then," I said. She sighed and walked off to the kitchen, I followed her. "Leigh and I had an argument," she whispered."About what?" I asked, sitting on an island seat. "She's grumpy and stressed and i don't know, she got upset that I slept with you and not her last night," she shrugged. As much as her voice was trying to disguise it, I could hear the tears coming again. "What'd she say?" I asked, intrigued. "That it's more like I'm engaged to you not her," she said, so quiet I almost didn't hear it. I sighed and held out my hands to her. She looked at me so sadly. "She'll get over it babe, I'm sure," I whispered back to her not so sure. Even though I said it, I wasn't 100% sure. I never ever wanted to get in between their relationship. Jade nodded and came to hug me again. I smiled and held her tightly.


"Okay next one?" I asked and picked up the TV remote as credits began rolling. I looked down at Perrie whose head was on my thighs. She was sleeping. I giggled and stroked her hair. She's been so sweet today, she slipped about 2 hours ago after being very uncertain because I was so upset this morning but we chatted as I knew she needed it. She was still a sweetheart. She had been so well behaved and has been giving me lots of cuddles and kisses when she sees my mood faltering. I kept running my fingers through her hair then picked up my phone with another hand. She can nap now and I'll wake her up just before Leigh gets home at 3.

Perrie began whimpering and rolling on my lap just as I decided it was time for her to wake up. I think she was having a nightmare it I'm not too sure. Her eyes were moving fast under her eyelids and I could hear her breathing pick up. "Baby, hey," I whispered and rested my hand very gently on her belly. She whimpered again and tried to roll away but I held her in case she fell off my knee and onto the floor. "Baba come on, you're okay," I said and tried to get her to wake up by shaking her. Suddenly she sat up and her eyes opened. I smiled at her but she head buried her head in her hands. "Hey baby," I whispered and stroked her back. She whimpered. "Come here baba, come have cuddles," I whispered to her. She didn't look at me but moved back a little and leaned into my arms making me smile. I cradled her and kissed her head. Her head buried itself into my chest and she shuffled. "You're okay my lovely," I whispered and ran my fingers through her hair agin. "Was it a bad dream baby girl?" I asked softly. She nodded and cuddled into me more. "You're safe now princess, so so safe." I held her tighter and kissed her head. I enjoyed the presence and cuddle for a good while.


I sighed and picked Brooklyn up out of her car seat. We were home now, I didn't want to be home. I wanted to be away from Jade right now but then at the same time, Jade is all I want. When I walked in the door I could instantly hear giggling and laughing. A pang of jealously shot through me but I still carried Brooke into the living area. Perrie was laid across Jade's legs and Jade was tickling her. I put Brooke down and sat down in one of the chairs myself.

"Hey love," Jade said to me, a bit apprehensively due to our morning argument I'm guessing. "Hi," I replied half-heartedly and did grabby hands to Brooke so I could take her coat and shoes off so she was comfy. "H-hi mummy," I heard Perrie say nervously. "Hi," I replied in a monotone. I didn't want Perrie to be little right now, I think it was because I know that if she is then she'll get more of jade. I was just so stressed. As soon as Brookes shoes and coat was off Jade gasped and scooped her up then threw her in the air. I sighed and made my way to the kitchen. Next thing I know I hear: "Perrie I wouldn't." I sighed as she entered the kitchen behind me.

"Leigh Leigh?" Perrie asked and came to stand next to me. "Hm?"I replied, not looking at her."Are you okay?" She asked. "I'm fine Perrie, you don't need to check on me." I scoffed. "I-I'm sorry I I I jus want-wanted to let you know that I'm not trying to take Jade away from you," she stuttered. "I don't care," I whispered trying to compose myself. "You obviously do care be-because you wouldn't have argued otherwise." She said, a little more confident than last time. I sighed and turned around to her: "listen Pez, whether or not you meaning to- you are. And quite frankly there's nothing you can do to change it and an apology doesn't cut it so no, go." I pointed to the door. Tears formed in her eyes and she left quietly. I kind of felt bad but she upset me.

"Baby? Hey Pez," I heard Jade say obviously as Perrie walked past her. I sighed and started to cook dinner- hopefully this will make me feel better. "What did you say to her?" Jade groaned coming in. "None of your business," I mumbled as I cut up the veg. "Leigh-Anne I really really have no idea what on earth has gotten into you! You've never been jealous before why now? And why do you have to be so horrible about it? Perrie has locked herself in her bedroom," she shouted at me. "You don't care about me jade! It's always Perrie this,Perrie that, I'm sick of it! I exist! Why can't you just see me?" I shouted back, I had to put the knife down as I was shaking. "Baby, listen please I do see you! What makes you think I don't?" She asked, lowering her voice. "You'd chose to cuddle Perrie over me, when things happen you always go to Perrie first- to see if she's okay over me. I don't understand it. I don't want a little if this is how it's going to be for the rest of our marriage! Hell we aren't even married yet," I started crying then. Jade looked a little shocked by what I had said. But I didn't care. "No Leigh, you don't mean that! We both agreed this might happen yet e said we'd work around it, we can't just abandon her!" "Jade please, I just want my parents back," I sobbed as I collapsed to the floor. All the anger, the stress and the overall emotion crashed down on me.


As Leigh said that, suddenly everything feel into place and I understood. She always pushed the way the fact that her parents died, she refused to accept it. When she's stressed and her walls fall down, she lets it get to her (I obviously have no problem with it) but right now it obviously got a little too much. I quickly moved in next to her and held her, her arms wrapped tightly around my chest and she cried heavily into my shoulder. I sighed and rubbed her back, comforting her in anyway I could. 


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