Run down.

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Yet again written by @littlemixlove22... I'm loving what you're writing so thank youuuuuuu x



I had begun making breakfast seeing as Pez deserved a nice one since she's not been very well and whats better than starting the day off with Perrie's favourite, pancakes! Although she was still fast asleep right now I did have my sweet Brooklyn in her bouncer chair sitting on the side, She was sleeping as well but I knew she was a very content baby right now, she's been bathed, changed and fed and we've had some lovely cuddles this morning and now she's having a little sleep! 

I was hoping Pez would wake up in a good mood and I also hoped that I could ring Jade before Pez woke up so I could let her know about the breastfeeding and how good it was for settling Perrie. It was such a sweet moment seeing my baby girl so comforted, I think it's not only her having the skin to skin and being held so close but it's just bonding and making her feel safe and protected and it worked well. I decided I might as well just ring Jade now and just hope she answers I guess. It would be easier talking to her now instead of when Miss Perrie is awake. 

I grabbed my phone and began to facetime Jade and I was greeted by her smiley sweet face almost instantly. "Good morning!" I smiled. "Good morning Leigh!" Jade said softly propping my up against something as she was clearly doing her makeup. "Aww sorry I didn't know you were busy," I laughed a little as she put her mascara on. "I'm nearly done baby, but I do have to leave for work in about 15 minutes, but we have time!" Jade smiled at me and I nodded thankful we had some time together this morning, I was really missing her now and it hasn't even been that long. 

"Is pez not awake yet?" Jade questioned, confused clearly as I was in the kitchen with just Brooklyn. "Not yet love, she had a bad night last night well sort of," I sighed. "Oh no was she sick?" Jade questioned with concern and I shook my head. "No, she's just under the weather I think and isn't feeling herself, but I found something that worked with calming her and helping her sleep." I smiled but also feeling a little nervous to tell Jade, I wasn't sure why but I just felt scared of her reaction, even though I know she will be fine about it. "What was this magic trick then?" Jade laughed zipping up her makeup bag. "I tried breastfeeding her!" I smiled trying to read Jade's facial expressions. "What like! Hmm what like you do with Brooke?" Jade said clearly a little taken back by it all. "Yeah, Pez was asking me questions and got a little upset asking why I didn't feed her like that and why I only fed Brooklyn like it and stuff like that and eventually I offered her a go, obviously not forcing her and I made sure she was comfortable and I am not joking she nursed for a tiny amount of time and began to fall asleep, I think it's really comforting for her!" I smiled making sure I explained myself so Jade could get a better understanding of it all. "Wow, I mean I guess that's cute and stuff but yeah I just didn't expect it!" Jade said softly, I couldn't quite tell what she thought about it all. 

"It really comforted her Jade!" I confirmed. "Yeah I guess it would be but I just don't want her relying on it!" Jade said, concerned. "What do you mean?" I questioned, confused. "I don't want Perrie thinking she's getting breastfed as much as Brooklyn, cause that's not why you're doing it is it?" Jade asked. "Oh no, definitely not, it's just a comforting bedtime or naptime thing I guess." I said softly. "Hmm," Jade sighed, clearly not liking something. "The way you say comforting makes me question it, because usually comfort is her blankie and teddy, what if she starts wanting to be nursed when she's upset and stuff?!" Jade said. "Babe that isn't going to happen, stop worrying about that, we can chat with her and make sure she understands!" I smiled. "Okay well I guess if it works then I can't complain!" Jade smiled even though I could tell she still wasn't too happy about it all, well not unhappy, just well I really don't know, I will have to talk to her and show her all about it when she comes home! 

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